Thursday, July 18, 2024
Iran: Mullahs’ regime stepping up crackdown on women, young people

Iran: Mullahs’ regime stepping up crackdown on women, young people

NCRI - Simultaneous with introducing a bill to combat mal-veiling in summer at the Majlis (Parliament), the mullahs' regime has embarked on a new...

New wave of repression against media, journalists in Iran

Mullahs' Revolutionary Prosecutor: freedom of press and speech is not absolute"Freedom of press and speech is not absolute and subject to the rules of...
Executions and public crackdown rise in the New Iranian Year

Executions and public crackdown rise in the New Iranian Year

NCRI - The mullah's regime hanged a prisoner identified only as "Ali B" on April 8, 2006, in Adel Abad prison, in the central...
Following Ahmadinejad's remarks, Mrs. Rajavi warned against delay in adopting a firm policy against mullahs, affirmed democratic change is definitive response to Tehran's nuclear threat

Mrs. Rajavi affirmed democratic change is definitive response to Tehran’s nuclear threat

Following Ahmadinejad's remarks, Mrs. Rajavi warned against delay in adopting a firm policy against mullahs, affirmed democratic change is definitive response to Tehran's nuclear...
Prof. Kazem Rajavi honored on the anniversary of his assassination

Iran: International arrest warrant against mullahs’ former Intelligence Minister

NCRI - The Iranian Resistance's President-elect Maryam Rajavi announced today that the Swiss Investigative Magistrate, Jacques Antenen, had issued an international arrest warrant for...

Iran : Mullahs insist on adventurism and nuclear weapons acquisition

Firm policy, immediate sanctions are the only way to counteract mullahs' threatsNCRI - At a meeting with a number of regime's members of parliament...
Iran: Mullahs resort to bullying, threats to thwart a firm policy and buy time to complete nuclear projects

Iran: Mullahs resort to bullying, threats to thwart a firm policy

NCRI - During today's Tehran Friday congregation, former President and Expediency Council Chair Akbar Hashemi Rafsanjani said, "If Iran's nuclear dossier continues to move...
Execution Date Set For Iranian Prisoner

Execution Date Set For Iranian Prisoner

Alison Langley FRANKFURT, Mar 30 (IPS) - An exiled Iranian opposition group claims it has received reports that one of seven political prisoners jailed...
Iran: Maryam Rajavi welcomes Presidential Statement by Security Council on mullahs' nuclear program

Iran: Maryam Rajavi welcomes Presidential Statement by Security Council on mullahs’ nuclear program

NCRI - Mrs. Maryam Rajavi, President-elect of the National Council of Resistance of Iran, welcomed the Presidential statement adopted unanimously by the United...
Iranian Resistance calls for urgent action to save the life of Valiollah Feiz-Mahdavi

Iranian Resistance calls for urgent action to save the life of Valiollah Feiz-Mahdavi

Mullahs' regime has informed Mr. Feiz-Mahdavi he will be hanged on May 16According to reports received from Gohardasht prison in Karaj (west of Tehran),...