Thursday, July 18, 2024
New fiasco for the mullahs in Paris

New fiasco for the mullahs in Paris

Weeks of efforts by official and unofficial agents of mullahs' embassy in Paris to stage a demonstration supporting Tehran's nuclear programs and oppose a...
to firmness against their nuclear intransigence

Iran: Mullahs’ embassy stages gathering in Paris

An attempt to show opposition to firmness against their nuclear intransigence The Iranian Resistance revelations have made the international community aware of mullahs' programs...
Maryam Rajavi: IAEA report underscores need for Security Council Sanctions against Iran regime

Maryam Rajavi: IAEA report underscores need for Security Council Sanctions against Iran regime

NCRI - Subsequent the report by Dr. Mohammad ElBaradei, the Director General of the International Atomic Energy Agency, to the United Nations Security...
Iranians denounce mullahs' nuclear program, urge Security Council sanctions on Tehran regime

Iranians denounce mullahs’ nuclear program, urge Security Council sanctions on Tehran regime

NCRI - In a statement, 200 Iranian associations, in and out of Iran denounced the clerical regime's clandestine nuclear weapons program and called for...
Iran: Khamanei threatens world community with terrorism to prevent firm policy

Iran: Khamanei threatens world community with terrorism to prevent firm policy

NCRI - This afternoon, the mullahs' Supreme Leader Ali Khamanei threatened Western countries and the international community with terrorism, while claiming, "Their interests will...
Tehran youth turn a soccer game into an anti-government protest

Iran: Tehran youth turn a soccer game into an anti-government protest

NCRI - In a soccer game between two Iranian soccer clubs, young people in Tehran staged a protest and damaged dozens of buses while...
Eleven hanged and five sentenced to death in two days

Eleven hanged and five sentenced to death in two days

The mullah's regime has hanged 11 people and handed down five death sentences in the last two days alone. This morning, Moheb Ali Bastani,...
Iran: regime sets stage for execution of political prisoners

Iran: regime sets stage for execution of political prisoners

Mullahs' Judiciary Spokesman: Execution of political prisoners is a lie; they are terrorists, bombers, and murderersNCRI - In reaction to the international condemnation and...
Students protest against mullahs’ suppressive policies

Students protest against mullahs’ suppressive policies

Students in a number of universities across Iran staged protests and strikes following the rise in crackdown and intimidation in society.In Rajai University in...