Thursday, July 18, 2024
Iran: Ahmadinejad's response to EU offer today prove incentives ineffective

Iran: Ahmadinejad’s response to EU offer today prove incentives ineffective

NCRI - In a reaction to the offer of a light water reactor by the European Union in exchange for the Iranian regime...
Khuzistan governor says more executions on the way

Khuzistan governor says more executions on the way

NCRI - The Governor in the southwestern Province of Khuzistan promised more "trials" and execution of prisoners on the charge of participating in the...
Sahand University students begin indefinite sit-in against official crackdown

Sahand University students begin indefinite sit-in against official crackdown

NCRI - The sit-in by Sahand Technological University students in northwestern city of Tabriz against the regime's suppressive polices and disregard for students problems...
Sanctions, firm policy only way to deal with mullahs' regime

Sanctions, firm policy only way to deal with mullahs’ regime

More "incentives" emboldens the ruling religious fascism in blackmailing the world community and obtaining nuclear bomb According to international news agencies, the five...
Maryam Rajavi welcomed Iran regime's failure to win UN rights body membership

Maryam Rajavi welcomed Iran regime’s failure to win UN rights body membership

Mrs. Maryam Rajavi, President-elect of the Iranian Resistance, congratulated the Iranian people over the rejection of the bid by religious, terrorist dictatorship ruling...
Iranian regime sentences 52 dervishes to flogging and imprisonment

Iranian regime sentences 52 dervishes (sufi) to flogging and imprisonment

Iran: Dervishes' attorneys also sentenced to five years imprisonment and licenses revokedThe Iranian regime has in the past two days intensified a crackdown on...
Iran: A woman hanged and two, including a 17-year-old, sentenced to death in two days

Iran: A woman hanged and two, including a 17-year-old, sentenced to death in two...

NCRI - The clerical regime has hanged a woman and sentenced two men to death in the past two days. The state-controlled daily, Iran,...
Maryam Rajavi: Not much time left before Iran regime acquire atom bomb

Maryam Rajavi: Not much time left before Iran regime acquire atom bomb

Delay in imposing sanctions no longer justifiedNCRI - As the five permanent members of the United Nations Security Council and Germany are set to...
Iranian workers turn May Day into a day of protest against mullahs

Iranian workers turn May Day into a day of protest against mullahs

NCRI - The demonstration to commemorate May Day by hundreds of thousands of Iranian workers, in Tehran turned into an anti-government protest.Chanting slogans against...