Friday, July 19, 2024
Iran: Call on International community to condemn Syria for extradition of an Iranian dissident

Iran: Call on International community to condemn Syria for extradition of an Iranian dissident

NCRI - Once again, the Syrian government has, in a gruesome act, handed over an Iranian dissident to the clerical fascism ruling Iran. Mr....
Two hanged and five sentenced to death in Iran

Two hanged and five sentenced to death in Iran

NCRI - A young man was hanged on the charges of "terrorism" in the southeastern Iranian town of Bam, reported the semiofficial government run...
Iraqi official defends the right of People's Mojahedin to legal presence in Iraq as refugees

Iraqi official defends the right of People’s Mojahedin to legal presence in Iraq as...

NCRI - According to Iraqi press, Iraqi Deputy Prime Minister for Security and Services, Dr. Salam al-Zubai reiterated PMOI members' right to political asylum...

Eminent Iraqi personalities support the People’s Mojahedin of Iran

Ayatollah Seyyed Mohammad al-Moussawi-ol-QasemiFounder of the Islamic Alliance Party: I believe that majority of Iraqi people approve of the People's Mojahedin Organization of Iran...

Iraqi groups condemn Iran regime’s plots against PMOI

Dr. Adnan al-Dulaimi, Leader of the Iraqi Accord Front and the secretary general of the Iraqi People's Congress: the People's Mojahedin Organization of Iran...

Iran regime’s rejection of UN Security Council resolution requires comprehensive sanctions

NCRI - Today, Ali Larijani, the Secretary of the Iranian regime's Supreme National Security Council, clearly rejected international demands to halt uranium enrichment...
Achraf City

President of Iraqi lawyers’ League declares support for PMOI “to the end”

Leaders of Iraqi tribes in Diyala province stand with PMOI members and welcome them to their homesNCRI - Mr. Kamal Hamdoon, President of the...

Iraqi political parties and personalities support People’s Mojahedin Organization of Iran (PMOI)

NCRI - There has been a new wave of support by political parties as well as political and religious personalities for the PMOI in...
Iran regime's Supreme Leader beats the drums of war

Iran regime’s Supreme Leader beats the drums of war

NCRI - This morning, in a warmongering speech, the Supreme Leader of the mullahs' regime Ali Khamenei threatened the United States with terrorist actions....
Iran: New suppressive plan to combat dissent in Tehran

Iran: New suppressive plan to combat dissent in Tehran

NCRI - The commander of Greater Tehran State Security Forces (SSF) Brig. Gen. Morteza Talai announced six thousand people had been arrested on "drug...