Saturday, July 20, 2024

8,000 anti-vice agents operating in Iranian Kurdistan

NCRI - On December 6, state-run television quoted an official of the Revolutionary Guards' Corps (IRGC) as saying that in Iranian Kurdistan 8,000...

780 demonstrations, strikes and protests in Iran in November

More than 3,400 protest have been recorded in past 8 monthsMore than 780 demonstrations, strikes, protests, and clashes took place in the Iranian...

Despite severe suppressive measures students marked Iran Students Day

Thousands of students demonstrated in TehranNCRI - Yesterday, Tehran and many other cites throughout the nation such as Tabriz, Kerman, Bandar-Abbas, Zahedan, and...

Iranian Resistance condemns trip to the Netherlands by mullahs’ Foreign Minister

NCRI - The mullahs' Foreign Minister Manouchehr Mottaki "left for the Netherlands on a three day visit," the state-run news agency ISNA reported...
In the run up to December 7, Student Day, pressure on students has increased

In the run up to December 7, Student Day, pressure on students has increased

NCRI - In the run up to Student Day on December 7, in fear of increasing students' demonstrations and protests, the inhuman mullahs'...

Widespread purge of university professors in Iran

NCRI - On September 5, Mahmoud Ahmadinejad called for a purge of experienced professors from the country's universities under the pretext that they...

Four prisoners hanged in Zahedan and Langroud

NCRI - The mullahs' inhuman judiciary hanged in public two men identified as 25-year-old Taqi J. and 28-year-old Masoud M. in the northern...
Iran regime makes accusations against PMOI to cover up its crimes, meddling in Iraq

Iran regime makes accusations against PMOI to cover up its crimes, meddling in Iraq

NCRI - The following is a statement by the People's Mojahedin Organization of Iran on December 2, 2006: Citing the Undersecretary on Security Affairs...

Iran: Mullahs’ fear of social uprisings spurs astronomical lies

NCRI - Yesterday, the Commander-in-chief of the Revolutionary Guards Corps,  Major General Yahya Rahim Safavi, speaking at the gathering of Bassij forces, absurdly...

Iran-Iraq: Threats and blackmail by Mahmoud Ahmadinejad

NCRI - Yesterday, the mullahs' president Mahmoud Ahmadinejad while speaking at a Bassij Conference ridiculously addressed U.S. officials and said, "The Iranian nation...