Sunday, July 21, 2024

Iran: Three prisoners hanged in Shiraz and Zahedan

NCRI - Following the new waves of arbitrary executions, the mullahs' regime hanged a prisoner identified as Ramin in the southern city of Shiraz,...

Iranian regime expedites mass executions

Iranian Resistance calls on Security Council to prevent killing of Iranian prisoners NCRI - The mullahs' regime hanged seven prisoners in public in northwestern...

Ahmadinejad and other leaders of the Iranian regime promise more executions and suppression

NCRI - Pursuant to Ahmadinejad's abhorrent remarks on Wednesday about executions in Tehran and other cities in recent weeks, mullah Ahmad Jannati, the head...

Mullahs’ regime tortured a supporter of the PMOI in prison

NCRI - Amid continued suppression and street hangings, the mullahs' regime has increased physical pressure on political prisoners. To this end, many political prisoners...

Iran: four hanged in Hamadan, Kermanshah and Sari

NCRI - Yesterday, the mullahs' henchmen hanged in public a young man in the northern city of Sari, the state-run television reported. A...

Families of PMOI members undergo harsh treatment for visiting their loved ones in Ashraf...

NCRI - The inhuman mullahs' regime has punished families of members of the People's Mojahedin Organization of Iran (PMOI) for having visited their loved...

Iran: execution of political prisoners under the pretence of common criminals

NCRI - On Sunday, the mullahs' regime hanged two political prisoners among twelve other prisoners, according to information received. The regime transferred Fazel...

Iran: increased suppression under the pretext of “public security”

NCRI - On July 23, head of the State Security Forces (SSF) in greater Tehran, Brig. Gen. Ahmad Reza Radan announced the "new...

Iran – Twelve prisoners were hanged this morning

International call to stop the increasing human rights violation in Iran NCRI - The inhuman mullahs' regime set a new record in human rights...

Iran – Head of Prisons admits to having security prisoners and practicing torture

Head of Prisons admits to having security prisoners and torture in the Iranian prisonsNCRI - Yesterday, the Prisons and Corrections Organization (SPO) chief, Ali...