Sunday, July 21, 2024

Tehran’s deputy prosecutor described Evin Prison as the best facility in the world

NCRI - Tehran's deputy prosecutor on security, Hassan Zare known as Qazi Hadad, head of directorate of security, described the Ward 209 of...

Iran: A prisoner hanged in public and three others are on death row

NCRI - A prisoner was hanged in public in northern city of Astaneh Ashrafieh, the state-run television reported yesterday. On Monday, the mullahs' regime...

Increasing pressures on teachers in Iran

NCRI - General Secretary of the Iranian Teachers' Organization, Mohammad Hashemi, has been sentenced to three years imprisonment for crimes against national security, disruption...

Iran: SSF kills three, provokes public anger in Kurdistan

NCRI - The State Security Forces (SSF) opened fire on a car at the entry point to the city of Baneh in the Iranian...

Executions continue to mount in Iran

NCRI - Tehran's prosecutor has called on the provincial punitive court to issue death sentences for 17 more youths who were arrested under the...

Hair-raising admissions by the SSF commander in Tehran

In past two months, The SSF gave 977,000 street warnings and arrested 4,000 others on the bogus charges of "hooliganism"    NCRI - Commander...

Iranian Resistance calls for investigation into bogus reports against the PMOI

Statement No. 2 Iranian Resistance calls for investigation into bogus reports against the PMOINCRI - The National Council of Resistance of Iran warns...

Iranian Resistance warns of false reports whose source is the Iranian regime

NCRI - In its 8:00 pm news program, French television station, TF1, broadcast a report about a terrorist threat in greater eastern part of...

Iran: four prisoners hanged in Zahedan and Gonbad-e Kavous on the charges of murdering...

NCRI - The mullahs' henchmen hanged three prisoners identified as Abdolaziz Esmail Zehi, Abdoljamal Shahbakhsh and Ali Akbar Shahbakhsh on security charges and...

Al-Maliki’s remarks against People’s Mojahedin Organization sets the stage for perpetration of w

Iranian Resistance takes case before international bodies Al-Maliki's remarks against People's Mojahedin Organization sets the stage for perpetration of war crimes NCRI...