Wednesday, July 24, 2024
National Council of Reistance of Iran

Iran: UN General Assembly condemns widespread human rights violations in Iran

Maryam Rajavi calls for bringing the regime’s leaders before international tribunalNCRI -This evening, the United Nations General Assembly adopted a resolution condemning gross violations...
National Council of Resistance of Iran

Iran: Four hangings, one limb amputation

NCRI - The mullahs’ inhuman regime amputated the hand of a prisoner in western city of Kermanshah, the state-run daily Qods reported on Monday....
Lion and Sun official symbol of NCRI

Shocking crimes in mullahs’ medieval prison of Kahrizak unveiled

18 women died in inhuman conditions in the prison 10 other inmates died under torture Eighteen women died of inhuman conditions in Kahrizak medieval...
Hanging noose

Six prisoners hanged in six days, a pregnant woman sentenced to death

NCRI - A prisoner identified by his first name, Abbas, was hanged in the southern city of Kazeron, the state-run daily Qods reported on...
Lion and Sun the official symbol of the NCRI

Clerical regime’s demand to extradite two Iranian dissidents

Finnish Justice Minister rejected the inquiry NCRI - Iranian Resistance calls for expulsion of the regime from Interpol and removal of documents submitted to...
Iran: Students chanting ‘Death to Dictator’ demonstrated against Khamenei

Iran: Students chanting ‘Death to Dictator’demonstrated against Khamenei

Maryam Rajavi described the student demonstrations as a reflection of the people’s hatred for the Velayat-e Faqih ruleNCRI - On the anniversary of 16th...
Lion and Sun officail symbol of the NCRI

Despite martial law in Tehran University, many partake in protests

Fearing student protests, the mullahs’ Supreme Leader cancels a scheduled session at the Science and Industry University A number of students have been arrested NCRI -...
The EU's Court of First Instance has annulled the member states' latest decision to keep Iran opposition group, the PMOI, on their terrorist register

EU verdict on Iran group creates legal quandary

The EU court has for the first time annulled a currently-valid terrorist registerSource: euobserver.comEUOBSERVER / BRUSSELS - The EU's Court of First Instance has...
Maryam Rajavi: EU court ruling is the victory of justice, EU Council must apologize to the Mojahedin

Maryam Rajavi: EU court ruling is the victory of justice, EU Council must apologize...

For the third time, the court annulled the decision by the Council of Ministers and ordered the Council to pay all costs incurred by...
Main gate to Ashraf City

Iran: Submitting details of 54 arrested family members of the PMOI to international bodies

NCRI - The National Council of Resistance of Iran (NCRI) submitted details of 54 family members of the Iranian main opposition, People's Mojahedin Organization...