Wednesday, July 24, 2024
Lion and Sun official symbol of the NCRI

Iran; popular uprising in Marivan entered its sixth day

Citizens torched the IRGC vehiclesMaryam Rajavi lauded the heroic uprising of residents in Marivan and called on other cities throughout the nation to support...
Lion and Sun official symbol of the NCRI

An international call on UN to dispatch a fact finding mission

NCRI - In an unprecedented murder case, the mullahs' criminal agents poisoned Mr. Amir Heshmat-Saran, a political prisoner, by chemical substance in Gohardasht prison...
A file photo of a prisoner's execution

Iran: Sixteen executions in a week

NCRI - The clerical regime ruling Iran hanged 16 prisoners over the past week in Kermanshah, western Iran; Zahedan, Southeast Iran; Isfahan, central Iran;...
National Council of Resistance of Iran

Iranian Resistance condemns arrival of clerical regime’s delegation in Berlin

The appeasement policy towards the dictator Ahmadinejad must endNCRI - On Wednesday, March 4, 2009, a group of 6 individuals from the Iranian regime’s...
Lion and Sun official symbol of the NCRI

Iranian regime’s supreme leader seeks to uproot dervishes in Iran

NCRI - On Saturday morning, February 28, 2009, one of the followers of "Ahl-e-Haq" (a Shiite offshoot adhering to Imam Ali the first Shiite...
Mullahs' Supreme Leader's frustration over Ashraf residents' perseverance, removal of the PMOI from terror list

Mullahs’ Supreme Leader’s frustration over Ashraf residents’ perseverance, delisting of PMOI

NCRI - The clerical regime’s Supreme Leader Ali Khamenei, frustrated by persistence of Ashraf residents, members of the People’s Mojahedin Organization of Iran (PMOI),...
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Iran: Mullahs’ regime presses ahead with its nuclear project

NCRI - Remarks by the director of the Iranian regime’s Atomic Energy Agency on Wednesday demonstrated once again that the regime is pressing ahead...
Poisoning political prisoners to death in Iran

Iran: Poisoning political prisoners to death

NCRI - In reaction to increasing outrage against growing number of executions in Iran, the mullahs’ regime has resorted to a new criminal method...
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Iran: Raid on Polytechnic University students’ homes and the arrest of a large number...

NCRI - Following courageous uprising by Tehran’s Polytechnic University students, the agents of the regime’s Ministry of Intelligence and Security (MOIS) raided the homes...