Thursday, July 25, 2024
Mrs. Maryam Rajavi, President-elect of the Iranian Resistance, described Wednesday‘s television debate between mullahs’ president Ahmadinejad and Mir-Hossein Moussavi, a presidential candidate and a former prime minister, where the mullahs’ secrets were revealed, as a turning point in the regime’s escalating internal feuding and a devastating blow to its entirety. Whoever comes out of ballot boxes is doomed to suffer from its scathing and broad consequences, she reiterated.

Iran: A turning point in mullahs’ escalating internal feuding – Maryam Rajavi

NCRI - Mrs. Maryam Rajavi, President-elect of the Iranian Resistance, described Wednesday‘s television debate between mullahs’ president Ahmadinejad and Mir-Hossein Moussavi, a presidential candidate...
Iraqi police at the enterance of Camp Ashraf

Iraqi police intensifies Camp Ashraf siege, threats resident with arrest and death

NCRI - Since 5:30 am (local time - Iraq) on Friday, June 5, rapid deployment forces of the Iraqi police at the entrance of...
International call by the Iranian Resistance to condemn the recent wave of hangings, suppression and terror

Iran: Hundreds arrested in southeastern province

International call by the Iranian Resistance to condemn the recent wave of hangings, suppression and terrorNCRI - Hundreds of Iranian youths have been arrested...
National Council of Resistance of Iran

Iran: Mullahs use Zahedan bombing to increase pressure on PMOI

NCRI - The state-run media and websites of the Iranian regime’s Ministry of Intelligence and Security (MOIS) yesterday released a prefabricated report, using a...
National Council of Resistance of Iran

Iran: 25-year-old beaten to death in detention in Shahroud

NCRI - Abbas Sediqi, 25, was beaten to death after a day in detention by the Iranian regime’s suppressive State Security Forces (SSF) in...
File Photo - Iranian regime's security forces arrest a man

Iran: Mullahs’ deputy security chief threatens critics with death

NCRI - In the run up to mullahs’ regime sham presidential election and in face of growing social uprisings and protests, mullahs’ Deputy Commander...
Camp Ashraf, Iraq

Iraqi police entering Ashraf, an unlawful and suppressive act to please Iran regime

Maryam Rajavi called on the US President and the UN Secretary General to prevent Iraqi police incursion into AshrafNCRI - The Iraqi police force...
Manouchehr Mohammadi

Iran: Mullahs resort to expansion of terrorism and fundamentalism

The Iranian regime resorts to expansion of terrorism and fundamentalism in the Middle East and the worldNCRI- In an unprecedented acknowledgment to the Iranian...
Gohardasht Prison

Iran: Political prisoner in dire physical condition on 22nd day of hunger strike

NCRI - A political prisoner in Iran, Behrouz Javid Tehrani, finished the 22nd day of his hunger strike, according to obtained reports on Tuesday,...
Iranian regime's nuclear activities

Iran: Ahmadinejad vows continuation of nuclear program, export of terror

NCRI - Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, the Iranian regime's president, brazenly declared in a press conference on Monday in the midst of the sham presidential race,...