Monday, July 29, 2024

Iran: Bakery workers on strike in Sanandaj

NCRI - Bakery workers in Sanandaj, West of Iran, went on strike against their law monthly salary and lack of improvement in their dreadful...
Gohardasht prison

Iran: Riot in Gohardasht prison

NCRI - A group of prisoners took control of Ward 1 of Gohardasht prison in the city of Karaj, west of Tehran, on Sunday...

Iran regime’s refusal to hand over enriched uranium reveals mullahs’ plan to acquire nuclear...

NCRI - The Iranian regime by refusing to respond to the proposal of the International Atomic Energy Agency, opposing its offer, ignoring the deadline...

Iran: Workers’ protests against non-payment of their wages

NCRI - Workers at Ahvaz Pipe Mills Co. held a gathering for the second day running on Wednesday October 21 outside the governorates office...
Soheila Ghadiri

Iran: Five prisoners including a young woman hanged

NCRI - Iranian regime’s henchmen hanged five prisoners including Soheila Ghadiri, a 28-year-old woman, in Tehran’s Evin prison on Wednesday.Soheila Ghadiri’s death sentence was...
Sharif University entrance

Suppression and pressures increase in universities across Iran

Nationwide uprising – Statement 184NCRI - Fearful of mounting student protests, the Iranian regime has intensified its suppressive tactics in universities, resorting to arrests,...
File Photo: A student protest in Iran

Students demonstrate in Tehran and Polytechnic universities

Nationwide uprising – Statement 183 NCRI - Students at Tehran University Technical Department staged a gathering in protest to a visit to the department by...

Families of victims and political prisoners stage protest in Tehran’s Laleh Park

Nationwide uprising – Statement 182NCRI - On Saturday, October 17, close to 200 mothers and relatives of those killed or detained in recent uprisings...
Behnoud Shojaee, after being hanged by mullahs in Iran

Iran: Three more adolescents face death sentences

NCRI - Just one week after the heinous hanging of 21-year-old Behnoud Shojaee, the clerical regime in Iran has ordered the hanging of three...
Dr. Mohammad Maleki

Iran: Dr. Maleki’s health deteriorating in Evin Prison

The health condition of Dr. Mohammad Maleki, 76, former chancellor of Tehran University, has deteriorated in notorious Evin prison. At the time of his...