Monday, July 29, 2024
Execution in public in Iran

Iran: Three young prisoners hanged in Ghaemshahr and Hamedan

Mullah’s resume barbaric practice of hanging in public NCRI - Iranian regime’s henchmen hanged a 24-year-old man in public on Sunday in the northern...
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Gathering of mothers of those killed or detained during uprising in Tehran’s Park Laleh...

Nationwide uprising – Statement 207NCRI - Some 200mothers of those killed during people’s uprisings and the political prisoners held a protest rally in Tehran’s...
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Iran regime worried about popularity of Resistance’s TV programs

NCRI - Deputy Director of the clerical regime’s Radio and Television organization, Ali Darabi, noted people’s growing tendency to watch satellite TV networks run...

Iran: Call to save life of another Kurdish political prisoner

NCRI - A Kurdish political prisoner, Shirko Moa’refi, 30, was transferred on Thursday evening to a solitary confinement in the Saqqez city’s Central Prison...
Ehsan Fattahian

Iran: Sanandaj residents protest death sentences against political prisoners

Nationwide uprising – Statement 205NCRI - The Iranian regime’s henchmen buried the body of Ehsan (Esma’il) Fattahian, a Kurdish activist, on Thursday evening in...

Iran: Dozens of students are held in prisons in Shiraz, Esfahan and Tafresh

Nationwide uprising – Statement 204NCRI - Iranian regime has transferred seven students of Shiraz University to Adelabad prison in Shiraz, southern Iran. They were...
Ehsan Fattahian

Mullahs execute Fattahian to intimidate Iranian society

NCRI - Iranian regime hanged Mr. Ehsan (Esma’il) Fattahian, 27, a political prisoner from impoverished Kurdistan region of Iran, in Sanandaj central prison on...
KNTU protest, Nov. 10, 2009

Student protests against the Iranian regime continue in various cities across Iran

Nationwide uprising – Statement 203NCRI - On Tuesday, November 10, 2009, students at the faculty of electrical engineering at the Khaje Nasir Toosi University...

A political prisoner faces execution in Iran

NCRI - Mr. Ehsan (Esma’il) Fattahian, 27, a Kurdish political prisoner is scheduled to be executed in Iran on Wednesday. He was arrested in...

Iran: Mullahs set stage for further repression and arrest of students

Nationwide uprising – Statement 202 NCRI - Following the courageous November 4 uprising by the Iranian people, the mullahs' regime is setting the stage for...