Wednesday, July 31, 2024

Iran: Protesters burn Khamenei and Khomeini’s portrait in Shiraz

NCRI - On Friday, the residents of southern Iranian city of Shiraz who had gathered on the fortieth day after the death of Ayatollah...

Iran: Chants of “death to dictator” in large rally by pilgrims at Massoumeh Shrine

NCRI - At 20:00 local time on Thursday, January 28, 2010, a large number of pilgrims gathered inside and outside the Massoumeh shrine in...
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Two political prisoners hanged in Iran today

Mullahs’ judiciary sentences 11 political prisoners to deathMaryam Rajavi: People’s courageous uprising will continue until overthrow of the regime despite these barbaric crimes NCRI...
Mullahs' henchman get ready to execexecute in public

Iranian regime executes more in the run up to February uprisings

• Execution of a prisoner before the bewildered eyes of people in Esfahan• Hanging of at least 16 prisoners following Ashura uprising on December 27NCRI -...

Iran: Delay in imposing comprehensive sanctions by EU would aid mullahs

Delay in imposing comprehensive sanctions by EU would aid mullahs to acquire atom bomb, continue executions and torture, suppress uprisingNCRI - As the European...

Iran: Families of Ashraf residents arrested and given heavy sentences

NCRI - In fear of spread and deepening nationwide uprising, Iranian regime has intensified pressure on relatives and members of families of Camp Ashraf...
Ahmad Khatami

“If you want to stay in Iran, you must obey Supreme Leader” – ...

Simultaneous with the Iranian regime's increasing internal feuding and defection, Khamenei's spokesman said in Friday prayer sermon "if you want to stay in Iran,...

Iran: Qazvin SSF Commander admits to the arrest of 400 students in the city

NCRI - The Commander of the Iranian regime’s State Security Forces (SSF) in Qazvin, Massoud Jaafari-Nasab, confessed on Wednesday that at least 400 university...

Iran: Two Kurdish political prisoners sentenced to death

NCRI - Iranian regime sentenced two Kurdish political prisoners to death in an appeal court.  Mohammad-Amin Abdollahi, 25, and Ghader Mohammadzadeh were accused of...
Evin prison entrance

Iran: Families of uprising detainees and political prisoners protest

Families of uprising detainees and political prisoners protest in front of Evin prison, “Revolutionary Court” and “Prosecutor Office” of the mullahs’ regimeNCRI - Protest...