Wednesday, July 31, 2024
Maryam Rajavi

Maryam Rajavi calls on Iranians to pay homage to those fell on Ashura uprising

NCRI - Mrs. Maryam Rajavi, president-elect of the Iranian Resistance in a message to the nation, broadcast by Iran National Television (INTV - Simay...
Suppressive measures to prevent uprising on February 11

Suppressive measures to prevent uprising on February 11

NCRI - Following an assessment of the suppressive forces’ performance during the uprising on the holy day of Ashura (December 27) and concerns about...

Iranian regime’s Judiciary official announces imminent execution of 9 political prisoners

NCRI - Ebrahim Raeesi, First Deputy to the Iranian regime’s Judiciary Chief falsely claimed on Tuesday that the two political prisoners executed on January...
Iranian regime's satellite launch is a cover for its nuclear warhead carrying missiles

Iranian regime’s satellite launch is a cover for its nuclear warhead carrying missiles

NCRI - Iranian regime's Defense Minister, Revolutionary Guard Ahmad Vahidi, announced on Monday the regime's plans for "unveiling three satellites," named Tolo, Mesbah II,...

Iran: We deal with mohareb grouplets with no mercy – Mullahs’ judiciary chief

NCRI - In response to widespread domestic and international outrage expressed against brutal hanging of two political prisoners, Sadeq Larijani, head of the clerical...
Iran: Families persistent protests force regime to release a small number of prisoners

Iran: Families persistent protests force regime to release a small number of prisoners

Released prisoners: Families movement will continue with people's support until the release of all prisonersNCRI - On the wake of February 11 anniversary, the...
Dec 27, 2009 -Tehran

Iran: Structural change in Bassij force in fear of major February uprising

Structural change in Bassij force and introduction of other measures in fear of major February uprisingNCRI - According to Social Headquarters of the People’s...

Iran: Families demonstrate for release of political prisoners, against mullahs’ kangaroo courts

NCRI - While the Iranian regime’s kangaroo court continue with its ridiculous show trials of political prisoners accused of bogus charge of “mohareb” (enemy...
Iran: Mullahs’ Guardian Council Secretary calls for more executions

Iran: Mullahs’ Guardian Council Secretary calls for more executions

NCRI - Ahmad Jannati, Secretary of the clerical regime’s Guardian Council and a leading figure in the faction affiliated to Khamenei, reiterated in his...

Iran: “Death to Khamenei, God bless Montazeri” chanted by people mourning in Qom

NCRI - A large crowd who had gone to the holy city of Qom to pay tribute to the late Ayatollah Montazeri on the...