Friday, July 19, 2024

Ahvaz: Center of Plunder and Destruction Targeted by Defiant Youths

In response to the brutal beating of mothers and fathers of poisoned school students by suppressive forces of the regime, the defiant youths in...
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Images of Maryam Rajavi Projected in Tehran and Other Cities in the Run up...

On Saturday evening, March 4, the Resistance Units projected large images of Mrs. Maryam Rajavi together with some quotes from her such as “We...

Centers of Basij, Suppression, Repression, Khamenei’s Images Torched in 10 Operations by Defiant Youths

In response to the martyrdom of Dr. Ebrahim Rigi, a 24-year-old Baluch physician who died under torture in custody in Zahedan on February 22,...
iran schools ambulance poisoning

Poisoning of Female Students in Tehran and Other Cities Continue Spreading

Protest gathering of families in Tehran, Isfahan, Kermanshah, Ardabil attacked by suppressive forces, dozens arrested Maryam Rajavi: Poisoning female students is a crime only possible...
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Mass Demonstrations of People of Zahedan on 169th Day of Uprising

Iran Protest-No. 244 Brutal Attack by Khamenei's Repressive Forces on Demonstrators and Firing of Tear Gas into Makki Mosque On Friday, March 3, thousands of people...

Belgian Constitutional Court: Transfer of Iranian Regime’s Terrorist Diplomat Will Be Examined by Another...

Judicial process will be pursued vigorously On March 3, 2023, the Belgian Constitutional Court ruled that the Belgian government must inform the plaintiffs (Mrs. Maryam...
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Iran: Deliberate Poisoning of Students Continues in Various Cities

Students and families demonstrate with “Death to Khamenei” and “Death to the Child-Killer regime” slogans in Tehran Maryam Rajavi: This malicious act serves as a...

Isfahan – Invasion of Rebel Youths and Explosion of One of the Looting and...

At 20:30 on Tuesday evening, February 28, in response to the criminal act of Ali Khamenei’s office and the IRGC in poisoning the students...
iran tehran resistance units feb 27

Tehran – Image of Iranian Resistance Leadership Projected

On Monday evening, February 27, at 22:30, the Resistance Units in Tehran projected a large image of the Iranian Resistance leadership, Mr. Masoud Rajavi...

Iran: Execution of 8 Prisoners, Including Two Women, in Two Days

18 executions since February 20, including two political prisoners Regime's Foreign Minister's participation in Human Rights Council: An insult to victims and disregard for human rights...