Wednesday, July 17, 2024

Iran: Coordinated Show of Power and Senseless Threats

By Regime's Minister of Intelligence, Attorney General, MP and other Regime's Bodies against MEK and Iranian Resistance In a report by Mizan News Agency, the...

Iran: Defiant Youths Targeted Repressive Bases in Qazvin, Bukan and Kerman

In commemoration of the martyrdom of the MEK member Ali Mostashari, defiant youths targeted the Governmental Discretionary Punishments Office in Qazvin province and a foundation...

Iran: Coordinated Efforts to Boost Regime Forces’ Morale

Leaders, Friday Imams, and Government Media Exploit Ashraf 3 Attack and Ban on Iranian Demonstrations in Paris Mohammad Baqer Qalibaf, the speaker of the...

Iran: Execution of a Baluch Compatriot After Ten Years in Prison in Zahedan

81 executions within a month, 209 executions in three months The criminal agents of Khamenei's regime hanged two Baluch compatriots named Es'haq Anshini and Mohsen...

Trumped-up Cases to Justify the Deadly Attack on Ashraf 3

With rising revulsion among the Albanian people and personalities and international condemnation of the deadly June 20 assault on Ashraf 3 in Albania, authorities...

Remarks by a US State Department Spokesperson Regarding the Deadly Attack on Ashraf-3

On the afternoon of June 20, an email was sent by the US State Department to some reporters, stating: "The Albanian State Police have...

The Sudden Onslaught by More Than 1,000 Albanian Policemen on Ashraf 3, the Martyrdom...

More than 100 people injured due to firing of pepper spray, some of them in critical condition At the behest of the religious fascism ruling...

Iranian Resistance Files Complaint Over Ban on Paris Rally

 The banning of the rally by Iranian expatriates scheduled for July 1, 2023, in Paris amounts to a disgraceful act against democracy, freedom of...

Defiant Youths Target IRGC Security Battalion in Anzali

Defiant youths targeted the so-called Imam Hossein Security battalion, affiliated with IRGC, in the city of Anzali on the occasion of the twentieth...

Iran: Public Execution of Prisoner in Bushehr Province in Response to the Death of...

Execution of Three Baloch Citizens in Zahedan and Kerman, Over 200 Criminal Executions in the Past Three Months  In Fear of the outbreak of the...