Wednesday, July 17, 2024

Ten Chain Cyber-Attacks by the Mullahs’ Regime’s Intelligence and IRGC on Mojahedin Website From...

Call to counter cyber banditry and terrorism of religious fascism in the 184th attack since the beginning of the Iranian year 1401 (March 2022) The...

Iran: People of Zahedan Protest despite Widespread Oppressive Measures

Today, October 13, despite the oppressive measures taken, the courageous people of Zahedan once again took to the streets after Friday prayer to protest...

Iran: Execution of 10 Prisoners on October 11 and 12

Execution of at Least 45 Prisoners in the Past Three Weeks On Thursday, October 12, agents of the Khamenei regime hanged at least five inmates...

Iran: The Execution of 21 Prisoners in the First 9 Days of the Persian...

The mullahs' regime continues to execute prisoners out of fear of potential uprisings by the people. On Sunday, October 1, Khamenei's henchmen hanged five...

Iran: Baluch Youth Commemorate Zahedan Bloody Friday with Defiant Demonstrations and Strikes

General Strike, Setting Fire, and Road Blockades by Rebellious Baluch Youth in Zahedan, Chabahar, Saravan, Dashtiari, Sefidab-e Nimruz, and More on the Anniversary of...
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Baluch Compatriots’ Uprising Rally in Zahedan, Khash, Taftan, Sooran, and Rask on the Anniversary...

Khamenei's agents opened fire on demonstrators in Zahedan, injuring at least 19 people Today, on September 29, commemorating the massacre of September 30, 2022,...

Transfer of 13 Political Prisoners in Iran’s Qezelhesar Prison to Drug Offenders’ Ward

On Wednesday, September 20, thirteen political prisoners, who had previously been transferred from Evin Prison to Qezelhesar Prison on September 3, were relocated to...

Iran: Brutal Attack by Khamenei’s Henchmen on Oppressed Women Prisoners in Qarchak Prison

Brutal Attack by Khamenei's Henchmen on Oppressed Women Prisoners in Qarchak Prison, Resulting in Injuries to 20 Mrs. Rajavi’s call for saving the lives of...

Iran: Arrest of Former Political Prisoners, Supporters, and Families of MEK on the Eve...

In recent days and weeks, the mullahs’ inhumane regime, in anticipation of the uprising's resurgence, has intensified its campaign of apprehending former political prisoners,...

Iran: Hunger Strike of Political Prisoners After Being Transferred from Evin to Ghazalhasar Prison

Mrs. Maryam Rajavi's call to the United Nations for immediate action to free and save the lives of political prisoners A group of political prisoners...