Wednesday, July 17, 2024

Protests Continued in Various Cities on the 10th Day of Uprising

Iran Uprising -No. 39 People held commemoration ceremony for Qahdarijan martyrs who were buried secretly On Saturday, January 6, the bodies of 14-year-old...

Iran: Suleimani acknowledges role in Camp Ashraf massacre

NCRI - Qassem Suleimani, commander of the Iranian regim;s terrorist Qods force, speaking before the mullahs’ Assembly of Experts on September 3rd, acknowledged the...

Maryam Rajavi called on 400 residents of Ashraf to move to Camp Liberty in...

Upon recommendations and assurances of Secretary ClintonMaryam Rajavi called on 400 residents of Ashraf to move to Camp Liberty in coming days Next groups...

Iran: Hundreds Rally in Protest Against the Death Penalty

Call to condition any deal with the clerical regime on stopping execution and torture On the morning of April 9, 2017, hundreds of families...
Protestors in Tehran target the mullahs’ Interior Ministry

Protestors in Tehran target the mullahs’ Interior Ministry

Nationwide uprising – Statement 129 NCRI - According to reports by the Social Headquarters of the People’s Mojahedin Organization of Iran (PMOI/MEK) inside Iran,...

Iran: Suppression of Protest Rally Calling for Freedom of Political Prisoner Reza Shahabi

On the morning of Tuesday, May 5th, repressive forces stormed a large number of students and workers and other strata of the people in...

The Chants of “Death to Khamenei, Death to the Dictator” in Ahvaz and a...

  Iran Uprising - No. 64 As stated in the statement No. 63, in the evening of Thursday February 1, various cities of the country witnessed...

International call for treatment of 42 seriously wounded in Ashraf during the April 8

Ashraf military occupation – No. 100crime against humanity by orders of Maliki • 22 innocent residents run over by HUMVEE and HUMMER, of whom four...

Despicable plan of transferring the residents of Ashraf and Liberty camps to hotels

with the mediation of Iranian regime’s embassy in Baghdad is the outcome of the visit to Tehran by Faleh Fayyaz and Martin Kobler in...
The anti-human religious dictatorship ruling Iran hanged Mostafa Salehi, one of the prisoners of the Dec 2017-January 2018 uprising, in Dastgerd prison in Isfahan.

Iran: Regime Hangs Protester Mostafa Salehi to Terrorize the Public, Thwart Uprisings

Mrs. Rajavi calls on the United Nations           to condemn this crime and to visit Iranian prisons Earlier this morning, in yet another heinous crime, the...