Wednesday, July 17, 2024

Increasing police stations in Liberty and bringing them closer to residential areas

Camp Liberty-No.19NCRI - In the afternoon of Monday March 12 and the morning of Tuesday March 13, Iraqi armed forces opened up a 5-meter...

Iran: Khamenei Elevates State Security Force (SSF) Command and Call for Formation of SSF’s...

Motion To Establish an Organization for Judiciary’s Security and Intelligence in Regime’s Parliament On Khamenei’s orders, and to counter public anger and disgust to prevent...
Iran coronavirus 29

Iran: Coronavirus Death Toll Exceeds 499,800

• Massoud Younesian, secretary of the Scientific Committee of the National Coronavirus Combat Taskforce (NCCT): Even if all COVID-19 health restrictions are reimposed with...

IRAN: Criminal execution of Kurdish political prisoner, Mohammad Abdollahi, after six years imprisonment

The anti-human clerical regime hanged Kurdish political prisoner, Mohammad Abdollahi, 35, in Orumiyeh Central Prison this morning, Tuesday, August 9. This fellow Kurd, a...

Remarks of news agency of Islamic Republic Guards’ Corps (IRGC) simply show fear and...

Uprising- No. 15NCRI - While Iranians throughout the country, in particular the youth, will take part in the demonstrations in protest to killing of...
Suppression of Women in Iran

Iran: More crackdowns under the pretext of combating “mal-veiling” in private companies

NCRI - Brig. Gen. Ismail Ahmadi-Moqaddam, chief of the State Security Forces (SSF) --mullahs' suppressive police-- elaborated on the so-called plan to "Boost Public...

Casualties of attack on Camp Ashraf rise

Camp Ashraf attacked - Statement 2943 wounded, including 2 women, and 14 shot by Iraqi forces at north of Camp Ashraf NCRI - As...

Anti-human food and medical blockade of Camp Liberty by Government of Iraq

The prohibition of entry of food and medicine to Camp Liberty that government of Iraq started two weeks ago at the request of the...
Iranian Resistance calls for urgent action to save the life of Valiollah Feiz-Mahdavi

Iranian Resistance calls for urgent action to save the life of Valiollah Feiz-Mahdavi

Mullahs' regime has informed Mr. Feiz-Mahdavi he will be hanged on May 16According to reports received from Gohardasht prison in Karaj (west of Tehran),...

Chairman of mullahs’ Majlis Committee on Security admits 300 people sentenced to hanging in...

NCRI - The Chairman of the mullahs' Majlis Committee on National Security and Foreign Policy, Alaeddin Borujerdi, was quoted as telling a gathering...