Wednesday, July 17, 2024

Commanders of the Terrorist Quds Force Are Part of Ebrahim Raisi’s Delegation on a...

IRGC Brigadier General Abdollah Mobini, Deputy Commander of the Quds Force, is accompanying Ebrahim Raisi as the Deputy Interior Minister Ebrahim Raisi, the henchman of...

Iranians to protest Raisi’s presence at Global Refugee Forum in Geneva

Raisi’s presence is an insult to human rights, the sacred right of asylum, a stain on the United Nations The trip to Geneva to attend...

Execution of 48 Prisoners in the Past Two Weeks in Iran, Including 10 Baluch...

The criminal regime of Khamenei executed four prisoners named Saasan Maleki, Mojtaba Amiri, Manouchehr Noorabad, and Mehdi Moradi in Karaj Central Prison on Tuesday,...

Attack on NCRI Representation Office in Berlin by the Mullahs’ Regime’s Terrorists and Mercenaries

On the morning of December 4, 2023, at 2:15 am, the representation office of the National Council of Resistance of Iran (NCRI) in Berlin...
iran isfahan steel factory workers strike 02122023 (1)

Iran: Strike and Protest by Thousands of Isfahan Steelworkers

Khamenei and IRGC Exploit Workers by Controlling the Economy On Saturday, December 2, thousands of workers at the Isfahan Steel Company went on strike to...

Iran: Conviction of MEK Supporters and Families to Long Prison Terms and Depriving MEK...

The mullahs’ regime’s judiciary has sentenced political prisoners Zahra Safaei, 61, along with her daughter and son, Parastoo Moeini, 23, and Mohammad Masoud Moeini,...
iran execution karman rezaei

Heinous Execution of Kamran Rezaei, a Leading Figure in the November 2019 Uprising in...

On Thursday, November 30, criminal agents of Khamenei carried out the hanging of 33-year-old Kamran Rezaei, who had been at the forefront of the...
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Cruel Execution of Political Prisoner Hani Albushahbazi from Arab Compatriots – 31 Executions in...

The criminal agents of Khamenei executed political prisoner Hani Albushahbazi, a young rebel from Arab compatriots and from the brave people of Shadegan (Falahiya),...
ayoub karimi iran (1)

Iran: Execution of Ayoub Karimi, a Sunni Political Prisoner After 14 Years of Imprisonment

Call for strong condemnation of the wave of executions and urgent action to save the lives of death row prisoners, especially the 5 co-defendants...
iran executing young men

Vicious Executions of 6 Prisoners in Iran on Tuesday

24 Executions in the Past Week, Including Two Underage Teenagers Khamenei's criminals hanged six prisoners on Tuesday, November 28, including Eghbal Fathollahi, Mohsen Amiri, and...