Wednesday, July 24, 2024

Iran: Coronavirus Fatalities Exceed 490,800

  17,217 deaths in Isfahan Medical University hospitals means the total number of Coronavirus victims is at least 315,000, which is 2.5 times the officially...

Iran: Regime Forces Attack Balochis in Shirabad Wounding Defiant Residents, Demolishing Homes

Iran: Baluchis attacked in Shirabad region (Zahedan) their homes demolished SSF opens fire, wounds defiant residents At dawn on Monday, December 20, 2021, the State Security...

Iran: Coronavirus Has Taken the Lives of at Least 490,400

  Fearing the revelation of the facts about Coronavirus outbreak, regime’s Supreme Security Council warns any information about Coronavirus should be through the Health Ministry •...

Iran: Coronavirus Death Toll Exceeds 490,100

After weeks of cover-up, Omicron confirmed in Iran today • In Tehran, the number of COVID-19 deaths has risen significantly in recent weeks. The...

Iran: Political Prisoner Haidar Ghorbani Secretly Hanged in Sanandaj

Call for condemning executions and taking urgent action                                  to save death row prisoners • The continuation and expansion of political and economic relations with the...

Iran: Coronavirus Death Toll Has Surpassed 489,800

• West Azerbaijan Medical University: Currently, 471 COVID-19 patients are hospitalized, 126 are in ICU, and 27 are using ventilators. (Mehr, December 18, 2021) • Kashan’s...

Iran: Activities of the Resistance Units and MEK Supporters in Support of the Isfahan...

Despite the very tight security atmosphere in the cities, between December 10 and 14, 2021, the Resistance Units and supporters of the People's Mojahedin...

Iran: Coronavirus Deaths Has Reached 489,400

• Member of the Scientific Committee of the National Coronavirus Combat Taskforce (NCCT): There is an Omicron strain in Iran, and its sequence will...

Iran: Teachers To Remain Under the Poverty Line, Regardless of Whether Regime Parliament Adopts...

  • Raise in salaries of one million teachers on paper equals 20% of the IRGC budget increase • Even if a parliamentary resolution is...

United Nations: 68th UN Resolution Condemns Human Rights Violations in Iran

Maryam Rajavi: The UNGA resolution confirms that this regime has always been the leading human rights violator in the world. Dossier on four decades...