Iran: The Mullahs’ Regime Is The Source Of Rumors, Lies, And Slander Against The Iranian Resistance


Mullahs’ Foreign Ministry

reluctantly and for the first time accepted responsibility for butcher Hamid Noury

During his briefing today, the Iranian regime’s Foreign Ministry’s spokesman brazenly claimed that what was going on in Sweden (the trial of Hamid Noury for his role in the 1988 massacre) is a plot by the Mujahedin-e Khalq (MEK/PMOI) and that the Swedish court had unfortunately fabricated a serious of fairytales.”

He added, “It is unfortunate that a trial is being held in Sweden based on such a plot. We will certainly consider this process to be distorted and believe it has been hatched especially when there is a change of the government. Naturally, we had engaged in a series of discussions with the Swedish side. We very much objected to what happened to Mr. Noury, and our ambassador also voiced his objections over this matter..”

The clerical regime’s foreign ministry spokesperson blatantly claimed, “The Swedish government and court should know that it has become part of a Mujahedin-e Khalq propaganda machine.”

The regime’s foreign ministry, which according to its minister, was “security-oriented” from the start, threatened the Swedish government and court that, as it relates to Hamid Noury, “We will naturally employ all diplomatic means at our disposal to restore and safeguard his rights.”

The demonization and disinformation campaign against the MEK and the Iranian Resistance, propagated in various forms by the regime’s exposed agents or its sleeper cells, is part and parcel of such “diplomatic means.”

As such, for the first time, the regime foreign ministry is accepting responsibility for the butcher Hamid Noury and all his crimes.

Secretariat of the National Council of Resistance of Iran (NCRI)

August 23, 2021

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