Iran: Retirees And Teachers Protest And Rally In 15 Cities

Tehran – Protest rally of the retirees in Tehran outside the Social Security Organization – May 15, 2021

“We will not vote anymore; we have heard too many lies,” “We will not rest until we get our rights”

Mrs. Maryam Rajavi: The continuous protests of retirees, teachers, workers, and laborers bespeaks of the Iranian people’s unflinching resolve to confront an illegitimate and criminal regime. Supporting the protesters is a nationalistic and patriotic duty.

On Sunday morning, May 15, 2021, retirees and pensioners, as well as the teachers of the “literacy movement,” staged a protest in Tehran and 14 other cities against the dire economic situation, below-poverty-line salaries, and the regime’s failure to meet their minimum demands.

The State Security Force (SSF) and Plainclothes agents attempted to prevent these gatherings outside the social security agency branches. Still, in addition to Tehran, the protest gatherings were held in Tabriz, Mashhad, Kermanshah, Khorramabad, Ardebil, Ilam, Shiraz, Karaj, Kerman, Isfahan, Arak, Ahvaz, Borujerd, and Lahijan.

Despite repressive measures, the “literacy movement” teachers also held protest rallies in Tehran, Ahvaz, Ilam, and Tabriz. Their gathering in Tehran lasted until noon. Another group of protesting teachers gathered in front of the Ministry of Education in Tehran.

Their slogans included: “We will no longer vote, we have heard too many lies,” “We will not rest until we get our rights,” “We will not leave until we reach our demands.”

Mrs. Maryam Rajavi, the President-elect of the National Council of Resistance of Iran (NCRI), saluted the protesting teachers and retirees who chanted, “We will no longer vote, we have heard too many lies,” “We will not rest until we get our rights.” She said: The continuous protests and uprisings of the retirees, teachers, workers, and laborers, bespeak the unflinching resolve of the Iranian people to confront an illegitimate and criminal regime. Supporting the protesters is a nationalistic and patriotic duty.

Secretariat of the National Council of Resistance of Iran (NCRI)

May 16, 2021

Karaj – Protest rally of the retirees outside the Social Security office – May 16, 2021
Karaj – Protest rally of the retirees outside the Social Security office – May 16, 2021
Khorramabad Protest rally of the retirees outside the Social Security Office – May 16, 2021
Tehran – Protest rally by teacher of the “literacy movement” outside the regime’s Parliament – May 16, 2021
Tehran – Protest rally by teacher of the “literacy movement” outside the Education Ministry – May 16, 2021
Mashhad – Protest rally of the retirees outside the Social Security office – May 16, 2021
Ilam – Protest rally by teacher outside the Education Ministry office – May 16, 2021
Ahvaz – Protest rally by teacher outside the Education Ministry office – May 16, 2021
Kermanshah – Protest rally of the retirees outside the Social Security office – May 16, 2021


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