Anti-Regime Protests in Several Iranian Cities


Protests in 2020 Near Tehran's Amir Kabir University

Anti-regime protests in several Iranian cities
A scene of protest in Iran

Simultaneous with Tehran, demonstrations in protest against the downing of the Ukrainian commercial airliner by the IRGC have spread to other cities, including Isfahan, Mashhad, Shiraz, Sanandaj, Babol and Lahijan (northern Iran).

In Tehran, the protesters near Hafez Bridge were chanting, “Death to the oppressor, whether the Shah or the Leader (Khamenei).”

In Isfahan, people staged protests at the historic Siyo-Sepol Bridge and other parts of the city, chanting, “Commander-in-Chief of the Armed Forces, resign, resign,” “IRGC commits crimes, leader supports,” “They killed our elite, replaced them with mullahs,” “The nation has not seen so many crimes,” “I will kill whoever killed my brother,” “Khamenei beware, we are the people and not thugs,” and “Dictator and IRGC, you are our DAESH (ISIS).”

The suppressive forces fired bird shots, teargas to disperse the crowd.

At Bu-Ali University campus in Hamedan, the students were chanting, “Incompetent IRGC, shame on you.” In Shiraz’ Ma’ali-abad district, people have staged a protest as have the students at Nushirvan University in Bobol, chanting anti-regime slogans.

Secretariat of the National Council of Resistance of Iran

January 11, 2020

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