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HomeStatementsStatements: Iran ProtestInsane Reaction of the Revolutionary Guards (IRGC) to People's Gathering in Pasargadae

Insane Reaction of the Revolutionary Guards (IRGC) to People’s Gathering in Pasargadae


Pasargadae No. 4

The clerical regime this year had an insane reaction to the 7th of Aban (October 29) gathering and the commemoration ceremony of the birthday of Cyrus the Great. All the repressive organs, especially the Revolutionary Guards, did resort to every repressive tricks to terrorize the society and prevent the formation of a large popular gathering in Pasargadae.

Some of these actions are as follows:

1. In a statement signed by the police, it has been absurdly stated that anyone participating in the rally is subject to Article 610 of the Tazeerat Law (Book 5 of the Criminal Code of the clerical regime in Iran). According to this article, “whenever two or more people gather and collude to commit crimes against the security of the country inside or abroad, or to provide means for that, they will be sentenced to two to five years’ imprisonment if they ae not considered Mohareb (at war with God).”

2. The Basiji Battalion 302, known as Komeil, in the city of Tabriz, held a combat camp named “Fajr 4” from October 27 to 29. Most of these forces participated in this maneuver with plainclothes.
3. The army was in alert in Fars province and all personnel leaves were canceled.

4. The repressive forces blocked the agricultural lands of the area and deployed armed forces around the villages.

5. In the checkpoint of Eghlid’s sub-route to Safashahr, the Guards tried to disperse a massive crowd trying to go to Pasargadae by firing in the air.

6. At some checkpoints, the passengers of cars were asked to sign a written commitment and commit not to go to Pasargadae for up to 24 hours.

7. At the last checkpoint to Pasargadae, the regime closed the road with obstacles similar to large nails, so that no car could traverse.

8. The mullahs regime has arrested a large number of people and even indigenous people in the region for helping travelers arriving in Pasargadae.

9. In some gatherings on the roads and roads leading to the Pasargadae, people chanted anti-government slogans, including the slogan “Death to the principle of the rule of the Velayat-e-Faqih (Supreme Leadership)”.

10. Hossein Shariatmadari, Khamenei’s representative in the Kayhan newspaper, who was frightened by the widespread popular acceptance of the Pasargadae gathering, wrote Sunday, “The supporters of that day of Cyrus were the same forces of Hezbollah today.” He claimed that the Cyrus Warfare was “to expand the monotheistic religion and save the oppressed nations from the domination of the tyrannies,” and this is what the clerical regime is doing today “with its presence in the region and with supporting the resistance (read terrorism and fundamentalism).” This Revolutionary Guard, who can not hide his anger from anti-government slogans, and in particular the slogan “Death to the principle of the rule of the Velayat-e-Faqih” adds: “If the participants really were pro-Cyrus and they were true to their claims, they should have chanted the slogan of “Death to America and death to Israel. “

Secretariat of the National Council of Resistance of Iran
October 29, 2017