Iran: At least 100 teachers arrested in Tehran


Teachers’ protest gathering – No. 1

NCRI- On Wednesday, July 22, a large group of teachers and educational workers gathered in front of Iranian regime’s parliament. The gathering was in protest to the arrest of a number of teachers and the trampling of their minimum rights by the religious fascism ruling Iran. Groups of teachers from various cities across the country had come to Tehran to join in the protest.
In order to prevent this gathering, from early morning hours the suppressive forces cordoned off the area. They closed down streets leading to this area and disrupted communications. They would arrest anyone who was carrying a cell phone or seen taking pictures.

Suppressive forces armed with shields and batons were stationed at the entrance to Baharestan metro station. In the metro it was constantly announced that there will be no stop at the Baharestan station.

A large number of teachers attempted to get passed the suppressive forces and assemble in front of regime’s parliament. There was a pronounced presence of female teachers in this gathering. Regime’s female Basij and intelligence forces threatened female teachers.

In the raid on the teachers by the suppressive forces at least 100 teachers were arrested and taken to an unknown location.

Secretariat of the National Council of Resistance of Iran
July 22, 2015







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