Iran: Mohammad Eslami, The New Head Of The Regime’s Atomic Energy Organization Was The Principal Liaison With Abdul Qadeer Khan To Acquire Knowledge Of The Atomic Bomb

isami  By appointing Eslami, Khamenei and Raisi

seek to accelerate atomic bomb project

Eslami was Rouhani’s Minister of Roads and Urban Development. He had also been working for the Mostazafan Foundation and the repressive “Islamic Revolutionary Committees” since the 1980s. He was initially in charge of the technical affairs of the Committees but later was appointed as the chief commander of the committees. In the following years, he was the Deputy Minister of Engineering and Development Plans of the Defense Industries Organization, the Managing Director of Iran Aircraft Manufacturing Company, the Deputy Director of the Aerospace Industries Organization, the Head of the Defense Industries Training and Research Institute, the Deputy Minister of Industrial and Research Affairs of the Ministry of Defense, and Deputy Minister of Defense for Civil Defense. He was the governor of Mazandaran in 2017 and 2018.

Mohammad Eslami was placed on the UN Security Council’s sanctions list on August 28, 2008, for his role in the proliferation of sensitive nuclear activities or the development of nuclear weapon delivery systems under UN Security Council Resolution 1803.

Secretariat of the National Council of Resistance of Iran (NCRI)
August 31, 2021

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