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HomeStatementsIran: Mass Execution of 14 Prisoners in one Day

Iran: Mass Execution of 14 Prisoners in one Day


NCRI – The mullah’s anti-human regime sent 14 prisoners in the Qezel-Hessar prison (in Karaj) to the gallows on October 19. These prisoners had been transferred from the Broader Tehran and Qezzel-Hessar prisons to solitary confinement two days ago to be put on death row. Even considering the laws of this medieval regime, the procedure of condemning these prisoners to death was unjust, and many of them were even deprived of having their attorney.  


At a time when revelation of grafts and astronomical plunders has turned into an issue of power struggle between the ruling factions, and the regime’s leaders warn each other against its social consequences, the mullahs’ regime, in a bid to prevent a popular uprising, has found no way out but to escalate the rate of executions and to intensify the atmosphere of fear.   Ahmad Tavakkoli, former member of the mullahs’ parliament and a member of Khamenei’s inner circle, said, “If we do not combat the systematic corruption, the regime will definitely collapse. We have already passed the threat phase and we are now in a phase that corruption has become systematic.” (state-run TV, October 1)

Ghassem Ahmadi, a member of the mullahs’ parliament, also expressed his concern about the extend of astronomic grafts, including several billion tomans from the Educators Reserve Fund which covers 900,000 people, 1500 billion tomans from the Sarmayeh Bank, 123,000 billion tomans from the Saderat Bank- Tajrish branch, and a 500 billion toman graft from three banks of Saderat, Sepah and Mellat. (Farhang state-run radio- October 16)

At a time when the leaders of the regime pull the main strings of the networks of smuggling and distribution of narcotics, more prisoners are being executed every day on the charge of smuggling drugs. Most of those being executed are deprived people who are the victims of suppressive and plundering policies of the religious fascism ruling Iran. Hamid Nazari, one of the prisoners who was hanged on October 19, was a worker and guardian of a family. He could not even afford treatment expenses of his ill child.

The Iranian Resistance calls all the Iranian people, especially the brave youths across the country, to protest against death penalty, and to support the families of prisoners and the executed.


 Secretariat of the National Council of Resistance of Iran

20 October 2016