Iran: Execution of three prisoners in Urmia after 12 years in prison, international call for saving the lives of death row prisoners


Two of the victims were brothers

one 15 years old at the time of the alleged crime

Despite widespread protests and international calls, on Sunday morning, July 4, 2021, the clerical regime’s Judiciary executed three prisoners after 12 years in Urmia Prison. Two of these victims, Davoud and Bahauddin Qasemzadeh, were residents of Salmas. Bahauddin was 15 years old at the time of the alleged crime. The third victim was Anwar Abdollahi from Mahabad.

The repressive forces injured Davood Ghasemzadeh’s spine by beating him up during his arrest. The indictment was issued, and the trial of the two brothers was based on a forced confession under torture. Three years ago, in June 2018, they went on a hunger strike to protest prison conditions and lack of medical care.

The Iranian Resistance urges the United Nations Secretary-General, the Human Rights High Commissioner, the Human Rights Council, relevant UN rapporteurs, and other human rights organizations, as well as the European Union, to condemn the clerical regime’s executions and to take urgent action to save the lives of death row prisoners, especially those convicted for alleged crimes when minor. It also calls for an international fact-finding mission to visit Iranian prisons and meet with prisoners, especially political prisoners. The case of the serious and systematic human rights violations in Iran must be referred to the UN Security Council, and the leaders of the regime must be brought to justice for four decades of crimes against humanity.

Secretariat of the National Council of Resistance of Iran (NCRI)
July 4, 2021

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