Iran: Demolition of Houses of Deprived People in Abolfazl Village and Firing Bullets and Tear Gas at Protesters

Iran Protests, MEK
Abolfazl village in Iran

Mrs. Maryam Rajavi calls on the brave youth of Ahvaz to support the inhabitants of the village, who only defended their lives and homes against the mullahs and their Foundation, ironically called, “Foundation of the Abased.”

On Wednesday, August 26, 2020, the regime’s repressive forces attempted to destroy the homes of the deprived villagers in Abolfazl in the Kianshahr district of Ahvaz. They attacked the villagers who were protesting and preventing the destruction of their homes. The repressive forces used Winchester BB guns and tear gas. At least 10 residents, including several children, were wounded and dozens were arrested.

Decades ago, the land on which this village was built was of little value. However, after the expansion of the city of Ahvaz and the rising price of land in this area, the so-called Mostazafan Foundation (The Foundation of the Abased), which is directly under Khamenei’s supervision, claimed ownership of this land and demanded the villagers’ eviction. This is while, according to the state-run media, about 300 families have been living in this village for four decades.

According to Shargh daily, today, “The residents of Abolfazl village, which has a total area of ​​25 hectares, have documents that show that from 1985 to 1991, part of the villagers through the Salman project, had agricultural water rights for growing wheat, barley, and vegetables. But after the sub-canal was demolished to build the town called Zardasht, their water supply was stopped. This document shows that the villagers have a history of close to 40 years of living in the area, but the Foundation for the Abased has declared itself the owner of their land and has prevented the provisions of the services and  rural codes to them.”

Mrs. Maryam Rajavi, the President-elect of the National Council of Resistance of Iran (NCRI), strongly condemned the criminal attack by the repressive forces on the village of Abolfazl Kianshahr in Ahvaz and the destruction of the homes of the destitute villagers. She hailed the residents of Abolfazl village who defended their lives and homes with empty hands and defied the repressive forces. Mrs. Rajavi called on the people of Ahvaz and its brave youths to rush to their assistance.

Mrs. Rajavi underscored that the villagers had committed no offense other than defending their lives and homes against the mullahs and their so-called Foundation of the Abased.   All the capital and assets of this Foundation belongs to the people of Iran and must be returned to the people of Iran, she said.

Secretariat of the National Council of Resistance of Iran (NCRI)
August 27, 2020

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