Iran: Defiant Youths Targeted the Headquarters of the Regional IRGC Basij Center and the General Intelligence Directorate of Isfahan

Iran: Defiant youths targeted the headquarters of the regional IRGC Basij center
Defiant youths targeted the headquarters of the regional IRGC Basij center in Isfahan, Iran

In the early hours of Wednesday, October 7, 2020, defiant youths targeted and set fire to the entrance of the headquarters of the repressive IRGC Basij center, and the General Intelligence directorate headquarter for Isfahan, located in Bagh-e Kashefi, on Ershad Street in the city, and. Isfahan General Intelligence directorate center and the Basij have played a major role in suppressing, arresting and torturing young protesters, especially during the November 2019 uprising. The people of Isfahan enthusiastically welcomed the action by the defiant youth.

Secretariat of the National Council of Resistance of Iran (NCRI)
October 8, 2020

Isfahan – The center for IRGC Basij, and the general intelligence directorate center for Isfahan, responsible for the arrest and torture of many protesters – October 7, 2020
Isfahan – The center for IRGC Basij, and the general intelligence directorate center for Isfahan, responsible for the arrest and torture of many protesters – October 7, 2020

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