Iran: Defiant Youth Torch Three Suppressive Centers in Isfahan, Tehran, and Gonabad


During the early hours of this morning, Sunday, November 1, and on the brink of the anniversary of the November 2019 uprising, defiant youth attacked and set fire to three of the regime’s centers involved in suppressing and torturing of the Iranian people.

In Isfahan, the judiciary center known as “Shahroudi,” named after a former criminal judiciary chief, was targeted and its entrance and sign were set on fire. This center is among those issuing execution sentences.

In Tehran, defiant youth attacked a suppressive base of the paramilitary Bassij Force known as “Sayyad Shirazi,” and they torched its entrance and sign.

Defiant youth also attacked another suppressive base of the paramilitary Bassij Force in the city of Gonabad and set its entrance on fire. The action was in response to the destruction of people’s residences in Chabahar and beating and injuring women and children using tasers and pepper sprays.

These courageous operations occurred even as there is an increasing atmosphere of suppression by the regime. The operations were enthusiastically welcomed by the people and locals.

Secretariat of the National Council of Resistance of Iran (NCRI)
November 1, 2020

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