Iran: Defiant Youth Target Three Centers of Suppression and Plunder in Isfahan, Khorramabad, and Kazeroun

Defiant youth targeted centers of suppression and plunder in Iran
Defiant youth targeted centers of suppression and plunder in Iran

In the early hours of Wednesday and Thursday, November 4 and 5, 2020, on the threshold of the November 2019 uprising, defiant youth targeted three centers of the IRGC Bassij, the criminal judiciary and the so-called Martyrs Foundation, setting their signs and entrances on fire.

On Thursday, an IRGC Bassij base, so-called the Society of Followers, was targeted in Isfahan, and its sign and entrance was torched. This base and the agents there have a long record of splashing acid on women in the city.

Defiant youth also targeted the so-called Martyrs Foundation in the city of Kazeroun and torched its sign and entrance. The Foundation has systematically plundered the Iranian people’s wealth.

On Wednesday, November 4, the regime’s criminal Judiciary office was targeted in Khorramabad by defiant youth, who torched its sign and entrance. This organ is responsible for issuing lashing, prison, and execution sentences for young people in Lorestan Province.

Earlier this week, despite the regime’s repressive and security precautions, the bases of the IRGC’s Bassij, and suppressive and plunder organs in Tehran, Isfahan, and Kish Island were targeted, which were enthusiastically welcomed by the residents of these regions.

Secretariat of the National Council of Resistance of Iran (NCRI)
November 6, 2020

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