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HomeStatementsIran: Coronavirus death toll exceeds 40,500 in 315 cities

Iran: Coronavirus death toll exceeds 40,500 in 315 cities

Iran-CronavirusLockdown in Ahvaz and eight other cities in Khuzestan

Sun and Lion• Deputy Head of National Coronavirus Combat Taskforce (NCCT) in Tehran: Coronavirus increasing trend in the capital and some cities, deaths surging in the coming weeks

• Regime Health Minister: Coronavirus, influenza, may surprise us in the fall. We must wait for another 4 to 6 months to see the virus behavior more realistically

• Rouhani’s shocking admission: a Coronavirus patient infected 100 out of 120 prisoners in prison

The People’s Mojahedin Organization of Iran (PMOI / MEK) announced on Sunday, May 10, 2020, that the Coronavirus death toll in 315 cities in Iran has exceeded 40,500. The number of victims in Tehran is 6,790, Gilan 2,720, Khuzestan 2,165, West Azerbaijan 1,230, Lorestan 1,070, Hamedan 1,065, Kermanshah 975, Semnan 925, and Kerman 446.

After a few weeks of absence, today, in a video conference with the NCCT, designed to cover up the regime’s criminal conduct in dealing with the Coronavirus crisis, Khamenei bragged about the regime’s “great success” while criticizing the West for “their failed virus management capabilities” and their “failure in preserving the public morality!” While maintaining silence about the number of the Coronavirus victims, or the back-breaking economic crisis burdening the people, Khamenei thanked “The young volunteers, Basiji and seminary students for taking up the harsh and risky tasks including in the burial and washing of Coronavirus victims [a procedure deemed unnecessary for Coronavirus victims by many religious leaders given the possibility of spreading the virus].”

Khamenei expressed hope that “The nation’s young scientists could find a vaccine and a cure for the Coronavirus as soon as possible … bringing glory and pride!” On May 8, 2020, Reuters reported that in recent weeks, hackers linked to the Iranian regime had targeted the staff at U.S. drug-maker Gilead Sciences Inc, which is active in the production of drugs effective in treating Coronavirus patients. On April 2, 2020, Reuters had also reported that the regime’s hackers had tried to access the World Health Organization’s emails.

Meanwhile, last night, Hassan Rouhani reluctantly acknowledged a horrific example of the situation in the regime’s prisons. “In one of the prisons, one infected person entered the prison, and before they could find out, 100 people out of 120 tested positive for Coronavirus,” he admitted.

“Coronavirus and flu coincidence may take us by surprise in the fall. We’ll have to wait for another four to six months to see the virus behavior a bit more realistically,” said Saeed Namaki, the regime’s health minister today. Angered over the revelation of the actual figures, he absurdly added, “The figures we are announcing are the most accurate, systematic, and scholarly numbers in the world. There is not even a 10 percent difference between the figures announced by the Ministry of Health and the actual number of deaths.” According to the state news agencies and Namaki’s Instagram, out of the €1 billion that Khamenei … agreed to allocate to the Ministry of Health, 300,000 euros were recently agreed to be given to the Ministry of Health.

Today, Ali Maher, Deputy Chief of Planning at NCCT in Tehran, whose remarks were published at the state-run daily, Hamshahri, warned of “the Coronavirus increasing trend in some cities, including in the capital” and the “soaring death toll in the coming weeks.” “Figures in many cities are returning to the peak level…It seems that we must move towards stricter quarantine conditions,” he added.

Today, Gholamreza Shariati, the governor of Khuzestan, told the state official news agency, ISNA, “The cities of Bavi, Hoveyzeh, Ahvaz, Hamidiyeh, Hendijan, Dezful, Shushtar, Karoon, and Masjed Soleyman, which have been declared red cities, will be locked down until the end of the week. A curfew will be imposed in various parts of the city, and the situation will be managed in such a way to cut off the virus chain.”

Mahmoud Shokri, a regime parliament deputy whose remarks were published in the parliament’s affiliated website, Khaneh Mellat today, revealed that the ‘Edalat Shares,’ about which Rouhani has made a lot of propaganda, are in the service of “managers and the rich shareholders of the Edalat Shares.”

“In addition to the Coronavirus, we are witnessing high prices, and the government is not taking any serious action. The recent rise in prices has reduced people’s purchasing power and is making their table smaller every day,” said Amir Khojasteh, another regime’s parliament deputy, reported the state-run daily, Aftab Yazd, today.

The state-run Esteqlal daily wrote today, “In Tehran, 14,000 people live on scouring garbage, 4,600 of whom are children. There are half a million child-laborers in Iran who will face a deep crisis if they do not work. Although for ’child-laborers,’ the pre-Coronavirus era was also risky, not taking precautions and searching garbage at a time when ’risk of death‘ is felt more than ever, is a wake-up call for all sectors of society and also a warning to the government.”

Secretariat of the National Council of Resistance of Iran (NCRI)

May 10, 2020