Iran: Activities of the Resistance Units Tohonorthe Iranian Music Icon, Shajarian


Call to commemorate the anniversary of the November 1998 protests

The Resistance Units and supporters of MEK wrote graffiti and posted leaflets and placards in various cities following the passing of the Iran’s iconic maestro, Mohammad Reza Shajarian, who joined the Iranian people in chanting “Death to the dictator” during the 2009 uprising. The activities came in response to the call by Mrs. Maryam Rajavi, the President-elect of the National Council of Resistance of Iran (NCRI), who, had called for a week commemorating the legendary vocalist, in defiance of the regime preventing the people from attending his funeral.

In another development, on the eve of the anniversary of the November 2019 uprising and following the message by Massoud Rajavi, the Leader of the Iranian Resistance to “prepare for the anniversary of the martyrs and to commemorate the November uprising,” MEK supporters wrote slogans rejecting the dictatorships of both the Shah and Khamenei and calling for the disbanding of the criminal IRGC. They highlighted the people’s demand for the overthrow of the inhuman regime. These activities took place in Tehran and various other cities, including Mashhad, Chaboksar, Isfahan, Hamedan, Kermanshah, Rasht, Babol, Karaj, Neka (Mazandaran), Shiraz, Sari, Bandar Anzali, Lahijan, Neyshabur, Sanandaj, Ahvaz, Qom, Urmia, Saveh, Eslamshahr, and Saqez.

Some of the slogans that were posted in the form of banners or written as graffiti in public places included: “Massoud Rajavi: November 15, 2019, is a national and enduring day,” “The IRGC and regime’s Supreme Leader are responsible for crimes,” “Disbanding the Revolutionary Guards is a must for achieving victory,” “Democracy, freedom with Maryam Rajavi,” “Death to Khamenei,” “Down with Khamenei, long live freedom,” “The overthrow of the clerical regime is possible with the efforts of the Resistance Units,” “Down with the dictator, be it the Shah or the Leader (Khamenei),” “Down with Khamenei, hail to Rajavi.”

Secretariat of the National Council of Resistance of Iran (NCRI)
October 13, 2020

Tehran – Activities of the Resistance Units and supporters of the MEK following the passing of Iran’s national artist – “Massoud Rajavi: In memory of Shajarian, who will always remain in our memories… We will always remember his most moving message, ‘death to the dictator'” – October 12, 2020
Mashhad – Activities of the Resistance Unit- “Call by Maryam Rajavi to commemorate Shajarian, for seven days, now that the regime has prevented the people from attending his funeral”- October 12, 2020
Various cities – Activities of the supporters of MEK in responding to Mrs. Rajvai’s call to commemorate Shajarian, the enduring voice – October 12, 2020
Tehran – – Activities of the supporters of MEK in responding to Mrs. Rajvai’s call to commemorate Shajarian the enduring voice – October 12, 2020
Tehran- Distributing Mr. Massoud Rajavi’s message in commemoration of the November 2019 uprising – October 10, 2020
Various cities – Distributing Mr. Massoud Rajavi’s message in commemoration of the November 2019 uprising – October 10, 2020
Shiraz – Activities of the Resistance Units- “The IRGC and regime’s Supreme Leader are responsible for crimes – October 10, 2020
Various cities – Resistance Units call to rebel and protest – October 10, 2020
Tehran – Activities of the Resistance Units in protest to the death of the national wrestling champion, Navid Afkari – October 10, 2020
Several cities – Activities of the MEK supporters in various cities – “Down with the dictator, be it the Shah or the Supreme Leader”- October 10, 2020
Mashhad – Writing graffiti and installing banner- The first week of October 2020
Mashhad – Activities of the supporters of the MEK – The army of the hungry, are ready for an uprising” – October 6, 2020
Karaj – Activities of the supporters of the MEK and Resistance Units- “Rise up to overthrow the religious dictatorship” – First week of October 2020
Various cities – Activities of the supporters of the MEK – October 6, 2020
Tehran – Maryam Rajavi: “We can, and we must overthrow the religious dictatorship in Iran” – October 6, 2020
Shiraz – Activities of the supporters of MEK – “Maryam Rajavi is an inspiration for free women in the future of Iran” – October 6, 2020
Kerman – Activities of the Resistance Units – Wall writing: “Down with Khamenei”- October 6, 2020
Various cities – Commemoration of the November 2019 uprising in response to Mr. Massoud Rajavi’s call – October 4, 2020

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