Iran: Activities Of The Resistance Units And MEK Supporters – Calling For Boycotting Regime’s Sham Election

Isfahan “Maryam Rajavi: I condemn the clerical regime’s inhuman destruction of the martyrs’ graves and the elimination of traces of its crimes” – April 26, 2021

Exposing Regime’s destruction

of graves of the 1988 massacre victims in Khavaran

During the final weeks of April, supporters of the Mujahedin-e Khalq (MEK/PMOI) and the Resistance Units called for the boycott of the clerical regime’s sham presidential election across Iran. Also, continuing the campaign to expose the clerical regime’s new crime to destroy the mass graves of the victims of the 1988 massacre in Khavaran Cemetery in Tehran. The heinous act was an attempt by the regime to eliminate the evidence of crimes against humanity. On April 26, MEK supporters and Resistance Units posted placards, banners and wrote graffiti, as well as distributing leaflets to condemn this action.

In addition to different areas of the Greater Tehran, these activities were carried out in Isfahan, Karaj, Mashhad, Tabriz, Rasht, Hamedan, Qazvin, Ahvaz, Qom, Arak, Ilam, Shadegan, Behshahr, Torbat-e-Jam, Konarak (Sistan and Baluchestan), Kashan, Anzali, Saqez, Shahroud, Amol, Gachsaran, Dezful, Esfarayen, Abadan, Kermanshah, and Rafsanjan.

Among the slogans were: “Maryam Rajavi: No to the rule of the mullahs, no to religious tyranny, no to oppression and plunder, yes to a democratically-elected republic”, “Maryam Rajavi: nationwide boycott of the election, a response to the murderers of 1,500 martyrs of November 2019 uprising,” “Maryam Rajavi: A popular uprising is awaiting the mullahs, and will lead to their overthrow,” “Massoud Rajavi: Iran’s destiny to be determined not by the mullahs’ ballot box, but by the uprising of Iran’s valiant children,” “Down with Khamenei, my vote is regime change, yes to a democratically-elected republic,” “We will not vote, hail to Rajavi,” “Massoud Rajavi: Our vote is regime change and the boycott of the sham election,” “Maryam Rajavi: I condemn the clerical regime’s inhuman destruction of the martyrs’ graves and the elimination of traces of its crimes,” “The clerical regime wants to erase evidence of its crimes in Khavaran,” “Destroying Khavaran is Khamenei’s crime against humanity.”

Secretariat of the National Council of Resistance of Iran (NCRI)

May 2, 2021

Mashhad, Torbat-e-Jam, Konarak (Sistan and Baluchestan Province) “Down with Khamenei, my vote is regime change, yes to a democratically-elected republic” – April 29, 2021
Karaj – Installing a banner of Mr. Massoud Rajavi, the Leader of the Iranian Resistance, on the Expressway, calling for the boycott of the regime’s sham election – last week of April 2021
Tehran – Activities of the Resistance Units and supporters of the MEK, calling for the boycott of the regime’s sham election -” Our vote, regime change, yes to a democratically-elected republic” – last week of April 2021
Tehran – Activities of the Resistance Units and supporters of the MEK, calling for the boycott of the regime’s sham election -“Massoud Rajavi: Iran’s destiny to be determined not by the mullahs’ ballot box, but by the uprising of Iran’s valiant children” -April 29, 2021
Mashhad, Arak, Qom, Shadegan – Activities of the Resistance Units and supporters of the MEK, Exposing Regime’s Crime in destroying graves of the 1988 massacre victims in Khavaran – April 26, 2021
Tehran – Activities of the Resistance Units and supporters of the MEK, Exposing Regime’s Crime in destroying graves of the 1988 massacre victims in Khavaran – “You cannot hide Khomeini’s traces of the crime against humanity- April 26, 2021
Tehran – Activities of the Resistance Units and supporters of the MEK, Exposing Regime’s crime in destroying graves of the 1988 massacre victims in Khavaran – “Khavaran, evidence of Khomeini’s crime” – April 26, 2021
Behshahr – Activities of the Resistance Units and supporters of the MEK, Exposing Regime’s Crime in destroying graves of the 1988 massacre victims in Khavaran –“The clerical regime wants to erase evidence of its crimes in Khavaran,” – April 26, 2021
Esfarayen, Abadan, Dezful, and Ahvaz – Activities of the Resistance Units and supporters of the MEK, calling for the boycott of the regime’s sham election – Third week of April 2021
Arak and Ilam – Activities of the Resistance Units and supporters of the MEK, calling for the boycott of the regime’s sham election – “Our vote is regime change and boycott of the sham election”-Third week of April 2021
Hamadan and Qazvin – Activities of the Resistance Units and supporters of the MEK, calling for the boycott of the regime’s sham election – “Maryam Rajavi: what is awaiting the mullahs, is the public’s uprising which will lead to their overthrow”– April 29, 2021
Rasht, Shahrud, Amol, and Qom – Activities of the Resistance Units and supporters of the MEK, calling for the boycott of the regime’s sham election – “Massoud Rajavi: Our vote is regime change and boycott of the sham election”- April 29, 2021
Saqez – Activities of the Resistance Units and supporters of the MEK, calling for the boycott of the regime’s sham election” -“We will not vote, hail to Rajavi”- April 22, 2021
Kashan, Anzali, Isfahan, and Tabriz – Activities of the Resistance Units and supporters of the MEK, calling for the boycott of the regime’s sham election -“Maryam Rajavi: nationwide boycott of the election, a response to the murderers of 1,500 martyrs of November 2019 uprising” – Last week of April 2021
Gachsaran – Activities of the Resistance Units and supporters of the MEK, calling for the boycott of the regime’s sham election – April 22, 2021
Rafsanjan and Kermanshah – Activities of the Resistance Units and supporters of the MEK, calling for the boycott of the regime’s sham election – Third week of April 2021
Tehran – Activities of the Resistance Units and supporters of the MEK, calling for the boycott of the regime’s sham election -Maryam Rajavi No to the rule of the mullahs, no to religious tyranny, no to oppression and plundering, yes to a democratically-elected republic– Last week of April 2021
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