Iran: Activities of Defiant Youths in Tehran, Shahriar, Sabzevar, Kazerun, Khorramabad, Qom, Kerman, and Isfahan

Qom – Torching Qassem Soleimani’s large poster – November 29, 2020

Torching regime’s centers of repression and plunder

During the final week of November 2020, defiant youths in Tehran, Shahriar, Sabzevar, Kazerun, Khorramabad, Qom, Kerman, and Isfahan set fire to the entrances of the clerical regime’s repression and plundering centers, which play a significant role in suppressing dissent and stealing public wealth. The defiant youths also set fire to posters of Khamenei and Qassem Soleimani in various cities.

Local residents welcomed these activities, which were carried out despite tight security measures and the State Security Force being on full alert.

Secretariat of the National Council of Resistance of Iran (NCRI)

November 30, 2020

Khorramabad – A center affiliated with the repressive IRGC – November 29, 2020
Tehran – The Security Garrison affiliated with the repressive IRGC – November 29, 2020
Kerman – Torching Qassem Soleimani’s Banner (The eliminated commander of the terrorist Quds Force)-November 29, 2020
Sabzevar – The plundering center, known as Khomeini’s Aid Foundation- November 26, 2020
Isfahan – Center of the repressive Basij – November 26, 2020
Shahriar – Torching the large banner of Khomeini, Khamenei and Qassem Soleimani- November 26, 2020
Tehran- Prosecutor’s office for Tehran Province, in charge of issuing all the death and imprisonment sentences of the dissidents – November 24, 2020
Kazerun – Center for the repressive Basij, responsible for torture and suppression of students – November 24, 2020


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