Iran: Activities by Resistance Units and MEK Supporters on the Anniversary of November 2019 Uprising

November 2020 - “Maryam Rajavi: Nation’s youth join the Resistance Units.”

On the brink of the anniversary of the November 2019 uprisings, over the past week, supporters of the main opposition Mujahedin-e Khalq (MEK) and Resistance Units have been putting up posters and banners and writing graffiti echoing the Iranian people’s demand for the overthrow of the inhumane clerical regime and expressing support for Maryam Rajavi, the President-elect of the National Council of Resistance of Iran (NCRI).

The slogans and advocacy of these Resistance Units sends a message about the persistence of the uprising after a year, seeking to bring about democratic change in Iran, and preparing for another uprising. These activities include:

These activities have so far taken place in Tehran and a number of other cities, including Mashhad, Esfarayen, Kermanshah, Karaj, Bandar Abbas, Isfahan, Hamedan, Zahedan, Sari, Shirazi, Behbahan, Khorramshahr, Amol, Kerman, Eslamshahr, Masjed Soleyman, Babol, Saveh, Rasht, Lahijan, Tehran Pars, Homayounshahr, Jouybar, Neka (Mazandaran), Zanjan, Yasouj, Shahriar, Doroud, Arak, Mehran, Sabzevar, Oroumieh, Chaboksar, Kashan, and Tabriz.

Some of the slogans that were posted as banners or written on walls in public places included: “Massoud Rajavi: November 15 is a national, enduring and eternal day,” “Let us keep the memory of our friends martyred in Nov. 2019 alive,” “Mullahs! Have shame and let go of our country,” “Maryam Rajavi is the voice of justice and freedom,” “Democracy, freedom, with Maryam Rajavi,” “Mullahs! Be afraid, rebellion and uprising is near,” “Massoud Rajavi: The IRGC is a force of darkness and crime and it must be shattered and disbanded.”

Secretariat of the National Council of Resistance of Iran (NCRI)
November 2, 2020


Tehran, November 2020 – “Death to Khamenei, Hail to Rajavi, Death to the Oppressor, be it the Shah or the Leader.”
November 2020 – “Maryam Rajavi: Nation’s youth join the Resistance Units.”
Tehran, October 2020 – “Khamenei, shame on you, Hail to Cyrus the Great.”
Tehran, November 2020 – “Massoud Rajavi: Let us keep the memory of our friends martyred in Nov. 2019 alive.”

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