Swiss officials’ Iran trip encourages terror


Visit by President of Swiss Confederation to Tehran encourages Iranian regime in continuing its oppression and export of terrorism


A trip by the President of the Swiss Confederation and Minister of Finance to Iran will not only fail to result in any improvement in the situation of human rights in Iran or regional peace, but will encourage the antihuman clerical regime to continue with its executions, torture, oppression, export of terrorism, and warmongering and is thus to the detriment of the interests of the Iranian people and the countries in the region. The Iranian regime has an infamous record of torture; execution, particularly political executions; export of terrorism; warmongering in the region; and slaughter of peoples of Syria, Iraq, Lebanon and Yemen.

The President of the Swiss Confederation is going to Iran while the annual report by Amnesty International published on February 24 states on Iran: “The authorities continued to severely restrict freedoms of expression, association and assembly… Detainees and prisoners continued to report acts of torture and other ill-treatment, particularly during primary investigations mainly to force ‘confessions’ or gather other incriminatory evidence… Courts continued to impose, and the authorities continued to carry out, punishments that violate the prohibition of torture and other cruel, inhuman or degrading punishment… The authorities continued to use the death penalty extensively, and carried out numerous executions, including of juvenile offenders. Some executions were conducted in public… Several juvenile offenders were resentenced to death after receiving a retrial pursuant to the new juvenile sentencing guidelines of the 2013 Islamic Penal Code.”

Some 2300 executions since Rouhani assumed office and over 1000 executions in 2015 alone are indicative of the fact that this regime or any of its factions neither want nor are capable of affecting any change in the system.

The real winner of trade agreements with the Iranian regime are the Revolutionary Guards that hold the economic arteries of the country in their hands, and undoubtedly the interests of such deals will primarily serve the export of terrorism and fundamentalism, as well as the internal oppression. On the other hand, the religious fascism ruling Iran, engulfed in domestic and foreign crises and its increasingly isolated state among the Iranian people, has no future and is in the final stage. Thus, any economic or political investment in this regime is doomed to be a loss.

Foreign Affairs Committee of the National Council of Resistance of Iran
February 26, 2016

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