Shanghai Cooperation Organization rejects Iranian regime’s permanent membership request

NCRI – On Friday June 11, the Shanghai Cooperation Organization rejected a request by the Iranian regime for permanent membership. The security and defense organization has as its members Russia, China, Uzbekistan, Tajikistan, Kazakhstan and Kyrgyzstan.

Refusing the regime’s request comes after months of efforts by the clerical regime to lure members of the organization to accept it as a permanent member by offering attractive deals and endorsing deals behind closed doors. The regime sought to use its membership as a way to escape increasing international isolation and growing popular disenchantment at home.

On June 9, the seventh resolution regarding the nuclear program of the religious fascism ruling Iran – fourth round of sanctions – was adopted by the Security Council. Two months earlier, the regime also failed to secure a membership at the UN Human Rights Council, which prompted it to withdraw its bid.

By violating international norms and treaties, striving towards a nuclear weapon, exporting terrorism and fundamentalism, the Iranian regime has threatened global peace and security. The only option to deal with the regime, which is highly despised by the Iranian people for its human rights violations, is a comprehensively decisive policy as well as rejecting it as a member of the international community. This prudent policy will also recognize the Iranian people’s right to obtain human rights and democracy and will, moreover, remove the restrictions imposed against the Iranian Resistance.

Secretariat of the National Council of Resistance of Iran
June 11, 2010

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