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HomeStatementsStatements: InternationalPlainclothes agents of regime kill 20-year-old Iranian with dagger in Tehran

Plainclothes agents of regime kill 20-year-old Iranian with dagger in Tehran

Nationwide uprising in Iran – Statement 49

NCRI – On Sunday, the 9th day of the nationwide uprising, the mullahs’ henchmen slashed the artery of a 20-year-old man with a dagger in public. The young man had been arrested by plainclothes agents in a street near Enghelab Square in Tehran during the unrest, but managed to escape. He ran towards the Vetinary College and was chased by a group of plainclothes agents and arrested once again. The agents threw him on the ground and attacked him with a dagger until he passed away in front of shocked bystanders. The agents escaped while dragging his body away.


Secretariat of the National Council of Resistance of Iran
June 24, 2009