Tuesday, July 16, 2024

Approved Legislation to Sanction Clerical Regime for Its Ballistic Missile, a Necessary Step to...

The Iranian Resistance welcomes the approval of legislation by the U.S. House of Representatives to impose further sanctions against the clerical regime and its...

Five Days After the U.S. New Policy, Khamenei Appears at the Scene

Ali Khamenei, the Supreme Leader of the clerical regime, took a position five days after the announcement of the US administration’s new policy against...

The Education Committee of the National Council of Resistance of Iran Congratulates All Education...

 While congratulating the noble teachers and education staff of Iran on the occasion of the International Teacher’s Day, the Education Committee of the National...

Mrs. Maryam Rajavi Welcomes the First Testimony by a US President Underscoring the Need...

Recognition of the NCRI as the only democratic alternative to the clerical regime is indispensable for rectifying the U.S.’s past disastrous policy on Iran...

IRAN: Khamenei Appoints Mass Murderer to High Post in Judiciary

The Iranian regime’s Supreme Leader Ali Khameni has appointed Motafa Pour-Mohammadi, a member of “Death Committee” responsible for massacre of some 30,000 political prisoners...

Iran: Rouhani’s Defense Minister Nominee Pledges to Boost Missile Program

Hassan Rouhani’s defence minister-designate has declared boosting missile program as Defence Ministry’s first priority in the next four years. Amir Hatami, who has been...

Fearing Consequences of New Sanctions, Rouhani & Salehi Acknowledge Maintaining Facilities to Make Nuclear...

Rouhani's introduced his new cabinet to parliament on Tuesday. On one hand, his remarks reveal his fear of the consequences of new sanctions for...

Senior U.S. Senate Delegation, Maryam Rajavi Meet in Tirana, the Capital of Albania

On Saturday, August 12, 2017, a senior delegation from the United States Senate meet with Maryam Rajavi, in the Albanian capital, Tirana, and discussed...

Rouhani’s cabinet comprised of torturers, executioners, IRGC members & hostage takers

The cabinet introduced by Iranian President Hassan Rouhani to the regime’s parliament on Tuesday is a slate of Revolutionary Guards members, hostage takers, executioners...

Mullahs’ MOIS Plan to Whitewash Lebanese Mercenary Mullah Hosseini

Statement No. 2 - Lebanese mercenary mullahThe clerical regime’s Ministry of Intelligence (MOIS), after bringing the mercenary Mohammad Ali Hosseini, along with known mercenaries...