More than 700 lawmakers from 25 countries support call by Mrs. Rajavi to condemn executions in Iran

Iran: Twenty-one prisoners hanged in past weekLawmakers demand referral of mullahs’ human rights dossier to the UN Security Council
NCRI – Lawmakers from Britain, France, Germany, Italy, Spain, Belgium, Austria, Ireland, Denmark, Sweden, Norway, Finland, Luxembourg, The Netherlands, Estonia, Greece, Hungary, Lithonia, Poland, Rumania, Slovenia, Slovakia, the Czech Republic, Cyprus and Canada issued a statement, which supported the call by Mrs. Maryam Rajavi, President-elect of the Iranian Resistance, and called for "urgent measures to stop executions in Iran." They also urged that the Iranian regime’s human rights dossier be referred to the United Nations Security Council.

Among signatories of the statement are a number of deputy ministers and heads of parliamentary committees and groups.

The lawmakers reiterated, "Since Mahmoud Ahmadinejad’s ascent to power, public hangings of youths and even women from construction cranes, stoning to death, the arrest of thousands of men and women under the pretext of ‘mal-veiling,’ ‘combating Western culture,’ and ‘hooligans and thugs,’ mass detention of students and juveniles and subjecting them to horrific tortures in dungeons and in particular Ward 209 of the notorious Evin Prison, indiscriminate murdering of disenchanted youths on the streets by the State Security Forces (SSF), demonstrate the magnitude of public terror the mullahs’ regime has imposed on the Iranian people."

The signatories expressed regret that "Western governments have chosen to remain reticent about the Iranian regime’s criminal deeds and continue to insist on holding more dialogue and offering further incentives and concessions to the medieval tyranny ruling Iran; a policy which emboldens the regime to prolong and intensify its suppression at home."

The statement concluded by:

1.    urging the world community to condemn unequivocally and decisively the violations of the Iranian people’s fundamental rights by the Iranian regime and to adopt urgent measures to stop the new wave of executions in Iran;
2.    calling on the international community and in particular the EU countries to make their political and economic relations with the regime contingent upon the improvement of the human rights situation in Iran;
3.    urging the United Nations and the UN Human Rights Council to resume the monitoring of the human rights situation in Iran and re-appoint a Special Rapporteur for this purpose;
4.    demanding the referral of the mullahs’ three-decade-old dossier of human rights violations, in particular the massacre of some 30,000 political prisoners in the summer of 1988 which by all standards amounts to a crime against humanity, to the UN Security Council for adoption of binding measures against it.

Secretariat of the National Council of Resistance of Iran
December 18, 2007

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