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Maryam Rajavi: Cabinet purge indicates Iran regime’s faltering state

Sample ImageMaryam Rajavi: Purging two key cabinet members is an indication of the Iranian regime's faltering state which will be followed by more elimination 

NCRI – Mrs. Maryam Rajavi, President-elect of the Iranian Resistance, described purging of Mahmoud Ahmadinejad's two key cabinet members as an indication of escalating trend in the mullahs' regime faltering state following last month's sham elections.

She said that sacking two ministers, the Finance and Economy Minister and the Interior Minister, is a reflection of a catastrophic defeat and unprecedented boycott by the Iranians of the nationwide election.

In the weeks prior to the Election Day, Mostafa Poor-Mohammadi, former Interior Minister, anticipated that 35 million would turnout for the election. However, on the Election Day he backed off from his earlier prediction and announced that only 25 million participated. Then again, Poor-Mohammadi changed his mind when a vote count of individual cities and provinces were posted. Despite all vote riggings and major flaws as well as the officials coming up with astronomical figures for the voters' turnout, at the end the original figure diminished to 22.8 million. 

Four weeks after the elections, the Interior Ministry has not yet announced an official figure for the participants in the elections.

Mrs. Rajavi added that the mullahs' regime has planed for a ruthless elimination of all rival factions from the Majlis (parliament) to pave the way for a "non-stop" pursuit of nuclear bomb as well as exporting fundamentalism and terrorism. To that end, there will be more inevitable resignations and sacking to come. And Ahmadinejad has no other choice but to speak about a "major purge."

On Wednesday, simultaneous with the recent purges of ministers of Finance and Economy and Interior, Ahmadinejad speaking in the northern city of Mashhad announced, "We must prepare ourselves for a major purge and a principle overhaul in route to reconstruction [of the country]. I witnessed over the first week following the holidays, some resonant the words of enemies. Even before the government announces its plans they have already begun rejecting them." 

Secretariat of the National Council of Resistance of Iran
April 10, 2008