Iranian Resistance welcomes Italy’s decision to freeze the mullahs’ assets

The Iranian Resistance welcomes the Italian government's decision to freeze the mullahs' assets and calls on other countries to follow the same lead

NCRI – The Iranian Resistance welcomes the Italian governments' decision to freeze the mullahs' regime assets and called a major step in hampering its attempts to obtain a nuclear bomb.

These assets are either used to enhance the nuclear and terrorism projects followed by the Iranian regime or are plundered by its leaders.
On Tuesday, Italian authorities decided to freeze 3.1bn of the Iranian people's assets earlier plundered by the mullahs' officials. 

The Iranian Resistance reiterates that assets of the Iranian regime in international banks belong to the Iranian people which are used today by the autocratic and corrupt leaders of the regime. It called on other countries to freeze any assets of the mullahs' regime in their banks until such time that a democratic government which truly represents the Iranian people is in place in Iran.    

Secretariat of the National Council of Resistance of Iran
June 26, 2008

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