Iranian Resistance condemns billion-dollar deals with Iran and calls German government to ensure that international sanctions are observed

NCRI – Increasing news about violation of international sanctions against the religious fascism ruling Iran by German entities and companies, along with negligence and cooperation of some ministries and responsible organs in Germany is strongly worrisome.

The Iranian Resistance urges the government and chancellor of Germany to take serious measures to prevent violation of international sanctions and deals and relations with the worst violator of human rights in today’s world and the main godfather of terrorism. Having deals and relations with the faltering regime of mullahs under circumstances that throughout the region is engulfed with freedom-seeking uprisings will leave no result for Germany other than disrepute among the Iranian people. The correct approach for the German government is to stand by the Iranian people and Resistance by adopting a serious change in its policy.
According to a report by German daily Westdeutsche Allgemeine on March 31, one third of 110 cases of “investigations for violation of the foreign economy and arms control law” were related with the deals with the Iranian regime.

On March 30, the German newspaper Handelsblad disclosed that despite severe sanctions imposed on bank transactions, in a covert agreement, India is going to pay billions of dollars for oil imported from Iran via the Central Bank of Germany. The payment is to be deposited in the branch of Iran’s Industry and Minerals (EIH) Bank in Hamburg. Handelsblad reported that according to information from financial and state circles, German ministries of Foreign Affairs and Economy have given the green light to “these suspicious transactions with Iran, worth billions of dollars”.

In 2010, German companies have sold over 3000 kinds of goods worth four billion dollars to companies that are mostly under the control of the IRGC.

These transactions are the other side of the coin of the meeting between Germany’s Foreign Minister and Ahmadinejad, President of the fascist clerical regime ruling Iran, which has raised public abhorrence and encourages this regime to continue the suppression, execution and massacre of the Iranian people.

Secretariat of the National Council of Resistance of Iran
April 2, 2011

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