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HomeStatementsStatements: InternationalIranian Resistance condemns arrival of clerical regime's delegation in Berlin

Iranian Resistance condemns arrival of clerical regime’s delegation in Berlin

National Council of Resistance of IranThe appeasement policy towards the dictator Ahmadinejad must end

NCRI – On Wednesday, March 4, 2009, a group of 6 individuals from the Iranian regime’s Majlis (parliament) visited Berlin, Germany. Alaeddin Boroujerdi, chair of the Majlis (mullahs’ parliament) Foreign Affairs and Security Committee, headed the delegation.

No one has any doubts about the fact that there are no democratic elections in Iran and that the members of the regime’s Majlis are involved in policies of suppression and export of terrorism and fundamentalism. The said delegation is in fact sent by the mullahs’ President, Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, and its task is to blackmail on behalf of the religious fascism ruling Iran.

The mullahs’ regime, central banker of terrorism and the largest state sponsor of international terrorism and the chief source of conflict in the Middle East, seeks to gain concessions from Germany and Europe at large through the so-called plan of “Cooperation to Control Terrorism.”  Through malevolent deals makings, the mullahs also promise lucrative trade contracts. The mullahs’ demands from the West include its non-interference with the regime’s nuclear program and guarantees to constrain the Iranian Resistance movement.

It is extremely naïve for anyone to assume that the regime will be contained by giving concessions. The mullahs should not be allowed to use terrorism and export of fundamentalism as the chief leverages in their foreign policy. During the past 30 years, the mullahs have proven themselves to be a global threat by conducting more than 450 terrorist acts outside Iran.

The Berlin visit, which is part of the failed policy of appeasement of the Iranian regime, takes place while state-run media in Iran report that eight women are waiting to be stoned to death and 59 others were executed in the month of January alone. 11 people commit suicide in Iran on daily basis due to government pressures and poverty. According to Amnesty International, there are more than one hundred adolescents under 18 years of age spending their days in Iran’s death cells. During the two days which the regime’s delegation spent in Berlin, 12 people were hanged and 5 others were sentenced death in Iran. Shaking hands with representatives of such a criminal regime cannot be justified in any way and only serves to bring shame to advocates of the policy of appeasement.

Ahmadinejad’s delegation also revealed the regime’s trepidation towards its main opposition force, the People’s Mojahedin Organization of Iran (PMOI/MEK), in the course of its meetings. It demanded the German MPs not to meet with the Iranian opposition representatives. The Iranian Resistance also warns against any cooperation between German intelligence and the regime’s notorious secret service, the Ministry of Intelligence and Security (MOIS). The ruling religious fascism’s Intelligence Minister has already acknowledged “exchange of comprehensive intelligence” in 2000 and 2006 with German agencies about the PMOI.

The Iranian Resistance calls on all human rights organizations and responsible authorities to protest and condemn the presence of the Iranian regime’s delegation in Berlin, which counters all moral and humanitarian values.

The Representative Office of the National Council of Resistance of Iran in Germany
March 5, 2009