Iranian Resistance condemns arrest of Iraqi lawmaker, killing of his family members

The Iranian Resistance strongly condemns the criminal Saturday morning, December 28, attack by Maliki’s forces with over 50 armored vehicles and helicopter on AlbuAlwan village in Anbar Province and the arrest of Dr. Ahmed Alwani, Chair of Iraqi parliament Economy Commission, and the killing of a number of his family members and guards, including his brother Sheik Ali al-Alwani and a female relative. This was despite Dr. Alwani’s parliamentary immunity and the fact that his arrest lacks any legal justification.

According to Iraqi and Arabic media, Sheik Ali was summarily executed in front of his brother’s eyes after he was arrested by the assailing force and Dr. Alwani was transferred with helicopter to the Baghdad Green Zone.

Dr. Alwani is among leaders of protests and sit-ins of people of Anbar and is vehemently against mullahs’ regime dominion over Iraq and Maliki’s subordination to the mullahs and strongly opposes the violation of rights of PMOI members in Ashraf and camp liberty. Therefore, he has always been despised by the religious fascism ruling Iran. Maliki had previously, on many occasions, attempted to assassinate or arrest him, including on 11 March 2013.

A few hours prior to the barbaric attack on AlbuAlwan village, the suppressive forces opened fire on the sit-in protesters in Ramadi that left behind one dead and a number of wounded. It is reported that today, Maliki has dispatched a large number of his forces to Ramadi to confront the people in this town.

The arrest of Dr. Alwani and the slaughter of his family members and guards, as well as the attack on the Ramadi sit-in is the other side of the coin of rocket attack on Camp Liberty and the massacre and mass execution of PMOI members in Ashraf and the taking of seven of them hostage. These are all conditions set by mullahs’ regime to support Maliki’s third term as prime minister which Maliki has doubly committed himself to in his visit three weeks ago to Tehran.

To extend his ominous rule over Iraq, Maliki does neither hesitate in massacring the Iranian refugees in Camp Liberty nor in instigating a bloodshed and sectarian war. Therefore, to provide peace and security in Iraq, the Security Council should immediately intervene, demand release of the arrestees, and stop Maliki’s criminal acts.

Secretariat of the National Council of Resistance of Iran
December 29, 2013

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