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HomeStatementsStatements: InternationalIranian intelligence agent sent to France to conspire against Iranian Resistance

Iranian intelligence agent sent to France to conspire against Iranian Resistance

Iranian Ministry of Intelligence and Security (MOIS)As the June 17 case is beginning to falter, the Iranian Ministry of Intelligence and Security (MOIS) is planning to send an already exposed MOIS agent to France from Iran, claiming that he was a senior member of the People’s Mojahedin who had purportedly fled from Camp Ashraf a month ago. This is the latest bid by the MOIS to revive the waning campaign of misinformation and demonization against the Iranian Resistance.

Unable to cope with revelations on the international scene about their new president, Revolutionary Guardsman Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, the mullahs, utterly foolish and desperate, are trying to again put the spotlight on the Iranian Resistance.
The agent in question is named Javad Firouzmand, a.k.a Afshin Boroumand.
Fourteen months ago, on April 28, 2004, in the course interviews conducted by a team from the U.S. Department of State at Camp Ashraf, Firouzmand left for the exit facility controlled by the U.S. forces. He was repatriated to Iran on March 9, 2005.  This MOIS operative was in contact with the Iranian regime’s embassy in Baghdad several years ago and his MOIS handler in Tehran was named Mohammad Alavi.
Carrying out a directive by the MOIS, Firouzmand fled the Mojahedin with false identification papers and stole three weapons, walkie-talkies, a car and a large amount of cash on July 15, 2001. He was arrested by the Iraqi police before making it to the Iranian embassy in Baghdad.  
Consistent with Iraqi law, the police had to refer the case to relevant organs to prosecute Firouzmand on espionage charges. He expressed remorse and pleaded with the Mojahedin to allow him to return.
The PMOI appealed to Iraqi police to hand him over the organization to prevent his prosecution and punishment and gave him the choice of going to Iran to live a normal life. Firouzmand insisted that he wanted to stay at PMOI camps. Documents and evidence on his contacts with the MOIS and his appeals to stay with the Mojahedin are available for review.
The Iranian Resistance draws the attention of European governments to the conspiracies of the mullahs’ agents and activities by their espionage and terrorist networks against Iranian refugees as well as members and sympathizers of the Iranian Resistance. It calls on them to pursue, punish and expel Tehran’s agents and prevent European soil from becoming the roaming ground for the MOIS.
Secretariat of the National Council of Resistance of Iran
July 9, 2005