Iran-UN: Ahmadinejad’s remarks underscores further need for international sanctions

NCRI, September 19 – In complete disregard for repeated international calls, mullahs’ president Mahmoud Ahmadinejad insisted on continuing the regime’s nuclear programs and said, “Obtaining the nuclear fuel cycle” is our “inalienable right.” He described increasing international concerns over Tehran’s 18 years of deception and concealment in its nuclear programs as a “propaganda ploy” and accused the United States and Europe of “nuclear apartheid.”

Stressing that “peaceful use of nuclear program would be meaningless without a nuclear fuel cycle,” Ahmadinejad rejected all efforts by its European interlocutors who had been trying to dissuade the mullahs from continuing their nuclear program by offering a variety of security, political, economic and technical incentives in the past two years.

Ahmadinejad’s remarks unveil more than anything else the clerical regime’s ominous intentions to acquire nuclear weapons and its deployment to spread Islamic fundamentalism and threaten peace and tranquility in the region and the world.

Several hours before Ahmadinejad’s speech at the UN, Ali Agha-Mohammadi, Supreme National Security Council spokesman, said in Tehran: “We will not agree even if they offer us the whole world in exchange for abandoning the nuclear program.” He added: “We have even studied ways of inflicting blows to their interests (Western countries) and we will not waver in our actions.”

Revelations on mullahs’ nuclear program by the National Council of Resistance of Iran in the past few weeks clearly show that Tehran secretly trying full force to complete it nuclear program. The manufacturing of thousands of centrifuges, widespread smuggling of technology, equipment and material needed for the production of nuclear bombs, building extensive facilities deep underground and huge tunnels in mountainous areas are only part of the regime’s secret efforts.

Remarks by clerical regime’s president make it evermore necessary and urgent to refer its nuclear file to the United Nations Security Council for adoption of binding sanctions.

The National Council of Resistance of Iran calls on the Security Council to impose a comprehensive oil embargo on Iran and demand unconditional inspections of all military and non-military sites and facilities where nuclear activities are underway in order to prevent the only state sponsor of terrorism to acquire the most dangerous weapon in the world.

The mullahs should not be allowed to rely on their massive oil revenues to continue their secret nuclear, missile, chemical and biological weapons program threatening peace and security in the region and the world more than they already have.

Experience has shown that any concession to Tehran’s ruling religious, terrorist dictatorship would only embolden it to persist in its outlaw behavior, domestic suppression and export of terrorism and fundamentalism.

Secretariat of the National Council of Resistance of Iran
September 18, 2005

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